Sep 26, 2010 04:11
[After rescuing Nephry from a sudden splashdown at the lake, Asch is understandably soaked. The return to the village had dried him off somewhat, but nothing felt better than a fresh change of clothes, so he was about to head in to do just that when the bushes by the door suddenly threw up a campfire.
...Wait, what?
A bit of frenzied digging around and a well-placed Icicle Rain later, Asch heads into the house with a little orange cheagle clinging to his head, one looking rather irritated while the other cheerily "mieu mieu"'s every other step. Someone should probably get it away from him before he explodes. Or gets set on fire. Whatever comes first.]
star's better anyway,
he thinks they're cute honest,
go team original,
at least it's not mieu,
damn cheagles