Got the Roof Shoveled

Feb 14, 2015 13:35

Remember when our back patio looked like this?

Well, we just got our roof shoveled of the X feet of snow on it (Mirror say's it's five feet. I don't have that knowledge in my head but I don't question her). Like we've been saying, all that snow had to go somewhere, and now our back patio looks like this:

Our bulkhead looked like this:

And our back steps... well, we didn't get a pic, but picture a pile of snow that is shoulder high. The people who shoveled our roof were nice enough to snow blow our main paths,

so even though they're a bit narrower now we can still get around the perimeter of our house. The did not, as you saw, get the bulkhead and the back steps, and so, in my good clothes, I did some snow blowing. I'll preface this by saying that the high temperature of the day was NOWHERE NEAR TWENTY, and we had wind strong enough to make it feel like sub zero. And so, not remotely dressed for the weather, I blew the bulkhead and the back steps. By the time I was done the driveway looked like this:

And I looked like this:

I think it took me over three hours to warm up.

Oh, and we're going to get another 6-10 inches tonight and another foot Tuesday.

Fun times.

rants, weather

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