Winter 2014

Feb 20, 2014 18:44


I love winter dearly; we both do. Heck, we love getting snowstorms that drop ten inches of snow in one go. What we DON'T love is getting one storm after the other after the other, with no time for recovery before we're hit again.

In short, our house looks something like this:

That's what twenty-something inches of snow that fell over the course of four storms in the span of a week look like. The ice damns are about as thick as the snow, and in some places even thicker. Look.

Hitting my Head

The one on the front of the house we can't do anything on the back of the house, but look at the freakin' size of the one on the back. It finally got big enough that we tapped it with a shovel, and it landed like this:

That thing reaches our hips, and that's AFTER it broke apart on the fall.

But what's really getting us is the ice. The entire state is running out of salt because they didn't buy enough for the ridiculous amount of storms we've been having (coughcoghgloablwarmingcoughcough). Nights drop to single digits and what little melting we get freezes over night, what's worse is that we now have a "warming" spell where the temps reach into the forties, meaning the snow melts by the bucket and then... you guessed it, refreezes. Our driveway looks like this:

I haven't gone into work all week just because it's too dangerous to trek out of the house. No paycheck for me - and that's bad because MARCH MADNESS is coming up. I need the money!

Fuuuu, weather!!

rants, weather

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