Oct 25, 2007 17:19
Desperate times call for desperate measures; I'm whipping out the instant coffee. Everything feels muddled and hazy. Shit. I don't want to study for this midterm. Where is that old frenzied panic that i should be having by now? This coffee is disgusting. It's going to give me major shits. I just know it. Maybe i need more oxygen. Too bad Davis doesn't have any, only fresh farmland methane. Maybe just kick that sympathetic nervous system to get it going. And how do i do that? Get some lion to chase me? Jingles is sort of like a lion. A small, fat, lazy lion.
Come oooon brain. Just one more test. I swear, this weekend I'll soak you in alcohol. Just lend me your strength for 14 more hours.
I'm talking to my brain, have i gone insane? don't answer that.
note to self: insane in the membrane, all thanks to the methane.