The Rippon Family :D

Nov 22, 2011 01:24


So we were in the Novotel’s terrace, trying to see the skaters who were leaving the gala practices. My friend Ana and I had presents for Kelly Rippon and Adam. We had seen Adam off-ice the day before twice, but we didn’t want to disturb him because it was shortly before the Men’s LP, so we thought that he’d be focused on the competition and anything else; on the contrary, we hadn’t seen Kelly in the whole weekend, so we were afraid that we wouldn’t see her on Sunday either.

We had been in the terrace for 2 hours and Ana needed to go to the toilet, so she left saying “if something interesting happens, please, call me”. 20 seconds later I spot a blonde woman leaving the arena (The Novotel is so close of the Bercy Arena that you can see from the hotel who is coming) I wasn’t sure at first, but when she was just a few meters away it was clear, it was Kelly, so I stopped her saying a shy “Kelly?” she seemed shocked and asked “What” and in that moment I thought “what if Kelly has a lookalike here?” so I repeated “Are you Kelly” and she replied “oh yes, it’s me!” I was relieved and Irene (westwinter) ran into the hotel’s toilet to call Ana.

I told Kelly that I was Sigrid and that we had a present for her, she said “oh, you tweeted me! You’re mirrorhands right?” I said that she was right and asked her to wait a bit till Ana arrived, 1 minute later Ana did it and she asked “you’re from Spain right?” “Yes, from Madrid” we replied, she told us that she has a friend who has been living in Madrid for a lot of years, we asked her if she had ever visited Madrid and she said that she hadn’t but she’d love to. She was seriously so shocked about our youth: “You’re all so young!!! Are you all students?” and I told her that we had a little bit of everything, that I am a dentist, Ana is a journalist, some of us are still students, Katiz told her she was an English teacher… she was kinda shocked that the young girls had achieved so much ;) She also said that there weren’t enough dentists in the U.S lol

We told her that we had made a banner, and she asked “The blue one? It’s so beautiful, did you know it has appeared in one article?” and I told her “Oh yes, the Icenetwork one! We have read it and we feel so proud of it” :) We also told her that we were going to Nice so we hoped to see her there. She replied that the Nationals would be so hard but she hoped to see us and our banner there.

We wished her a happy belated Birthday and she said that she’d be celebrating back home with her children :3 We finally gave her our presents; they were a lovely drawing of a flamenco dancer and a beautiful mirror with some Arabic influence. Ana told her the whole story about the mirror’s influence and I was popcorning.gif so hard, Ana always complains about her English but she could explain everything to her perfectly. She absolutely loved them and couldn’t stop repeating how nice and sweet we were, and she said “thank you” a fuckton of times. She said that she’d be so careful placing the mirror in her suitcase so it’d arrive to the US in one piece. She hugged us thanking us again.

After the presents we asked her for Adam because we hadn’t seen him yet, she said that he was still in the gala trainings with Jason and that we would see him for sure if we waited there. I asked her about what program would he perform in the gala, and she replied that Rachmaninov with the second half of last year’s music and that it was a really beautiful program (I was so relieved it wasn’t the Justin Bieber one lol). I asked her if he’d be wearing the blue shirt of last year and she said that he would wear the black shirt and that she didn’t know what shirt he was wearing until she saw the training because like she’s not in Detroit she can’t see what Adam packs in his suitcase :P

We finally asked her to pose for some pictures, and she said “of course!” While we were posing she was saying “here I am with the journalist and the dentist” xD she’s amazing.

We took some pictures and after saying goodbye to us, and when she was already heading the hotel’s doors, she turned around and said “Wait!!! Let’s take a picture with my camera!” we were all o.O hahaha but we loved to pose for another picture for Kelly Rippon’s camera. She thanked us again for everything and finally entered the hotel.

OMG she’s so sweet, she’s not even real. And after that moment I felt so relieved because I knew that even if we didn’t see Adam, his Mum would tell him that we were waiting for him :’D

Adam's turn! \o/

It was almost 12 in the morning and I hadn’t call my Mum in the whole weekend, so like it was pretty quiet after meeting Anna and Luca I decided to bless my family with a “I’m okay” phone call. After exactly 30 seconds of talking with my Mum I spot Adam leaving the arena FML. My Mum was talking, talking and talking, and all the orange girls and the _skaters were like: “OMG hurry up, it’s Adam!!!!” so I decided that 50 seconds were enough and I told my Mum that I had to hung up and she asked me “whyyyyyy” and I said “nevermind Mum” and hung up. (Later I knew that my Dad was waiting for talking to me, lol poor him).

So Ana stopped him and introduced herself, he shook her hand and I did the same thing. LOL so funny that my hand was totally frozen being under Paris’ sun and his was soooo warm after being in an ice-rink (random thought). He’s so flawless I can’t even, the way he smiles when you’re talking to him is breathtaking.

Ana asked him a bit about the competition and he replied that he was kinda satisfied because he had improved, but sad for not having a medal. We said that we thought he deserved the bronze and he showed us again his damn perfect smile. We also talked him about our banner and he said that he loved it :333333 We also told him that we were going to Nice and that we’d love to see him there, so we wished him the best of lucks for Nats. He replied that he’d love to go there and see the banner again <3333333333333

We gave him all of our presents. The first one is a picture that the Orange Team had taken with him 2 years ago, we were wearing our colorful berets. When he was opening it I said “I don’t know if you remember…” and when he saw it he replied “of course I remember” with a smile. In the back of the picture we had written a bit (what we didn’t tell him is that we asked bananarama a lot of help for making the letter’s grammar utterly perfect. We even did a handwriting contest who won Raquel ( kira_99 ) for making the perfection even more perfect. LOL our lifes, our choices). He thanked us for the lovely picture and we continued with the presents.

The next thing was 2 skates made of fabric that Ana had sewed 2 days before. We told him that as he was a driver now, he could hung them on his car’s mirror. He laughed so hard when we mentioned his driving license idek why, but I loved it.

We also gave him a box of Madrid’s typical candy, he said that it was great and that he’d share them with the other skaters :3

The last present was a little Spanish recipes book (in English), I told him “I don’t know if you like to cook” and he replied “I love to cook, and I love Spanish food so thank you so much”

As his Mum he kept on repeating how nice we were, and thanked us a lot for everything (oh my heart).

After giving him everything we asked him to take pictures with all of us (even tho we had the pictures of 2 years ago :P ) Ana was the first one, and after the picture she gave him a big hug so I said “hey, I wanna do that as well” :P We posed for our pictures and there were like 6 cameras taking the picture at the same time, I laughed so much saying “oh my God, so many cameras”.

(I have a million of versions of this pic and I love them all so much :D but I'll just leave here 2)

After the pic I also hugged him <33333 I rubbed his back. Irene and Patri (another one of our friends) also got a hug and all of them have a picture of their hugs but me (anyway I have a fuckton of witnesses of that lovely hug :’D ).this is the closest thing I have:

After taking a hundred of pictures with all of us we told him about our little interview-game, and he said that he’d love to play it. Like he had been already with us almost 10 minutes, when we were heading the “table’s game” I told him “it’s only 2 minutes” and he looked at me and with his flawless smile he replied “Don’t worry, I’m not in a rush” <3333

I won’t tell you too much about our questions and his answers because we’ll upload the vid as soon as we can, but I can tell you that he replied everything, being honest and also funny. He gave us such looong answers that we have a 9-minutes interview with him LOL. We were all facing him with the sun in our backs, because that way the lighting for the video it was better. But I was standing and every time he looked at me, he had to use his hand for covering his eyes from the sun :’D I found the fact that he tried to look at our faces so cute, because some of the other skaters were looking at everywhere but us when answering.

In one of the questions he was talking about 2011 4CC and I told him that I thought his hair was too short then, and he replied that maybe that’s the reason because it didn’t went well LOL. At some point I also asked him if he had tried some other jumps a la Rippon and he said that he hadn’t but maybe he could do it, but he didn’t want to become “that kind of guy” so he was predictable and everybody would be like “here he comes again!” every time he had to jump xD

He told us several times that our questions were really good :) and that he had enjoyed the game.

We asked him a last picture of all of us with our berets with him holding the picture we had given him, like the Russian fans do with Stephane, the bad thing is that the sun makes the picture very shiny and you can’t see a shit on it. But we look flawless with him, so who cares? :P

Seriously Adam was the kindest spending almost 20 minutes with us, so lovely, always with the smile in his face. He didn’t make us feel creepy in any moment, and when he was answering our questions, I felt that “good friend vibe” that I hope you can get watching the vid, like he was so comfortable with us that he made us feel that we weren’t skater and fans, but just a group of friends. :33333


smile plz, have i tell you i went to teb?, figure skating, !pictures

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