Last night at the club, I fenced four bouts, and three of my opponents had equipment malfunctions. I think for two it was their body-cords, and for one, their blade. I don't mind so much, but at tournaments, god, people can get nasty about it. At Midwest last year, there was a girl in my pool, and it was her first time competing, ever. Now, that's
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basically, that every writer probably puts something of themselves into their characters (What this says about you being a crazy nut, I am not daring to contemplate... XD). For myself, as a very non-sexual person (despite whatever I say), I find it difficult to actually write about my characters *thinking* about sex. Because I don't *think* about it, not the way the others on the comm seem to. So how I write characters being sexual is based off what I've read before - situations where a character is assumed to be sexually aroused, or reminded of sotmething sexual, I normally don't get that sort of connections myself, so I put it in based solely on what I've read.
That always sort of worries me because I don't know whether ti sounds fake to others or not. Did that make sense ?
Things I *do* put in from myself and my own experience is things like judo. My own love of writing (which makes Ko damn difficult to write, because he detests all things reading and writing, because his glasses stick on his nose... dumb boy). so... yeah.
Hehe. Our characters have parts of us, yet they're very different.
Very visual thinkers, they are.
Our characters have to be something like us, or incorporate something from us, or else they wouldn't be easy to write at all!
Which makes it so clever, difficult, and downright frustrating to write clincially insane sociopaths or something.
.....that probably says things about my personality that I'm not going to go into >
*ducks* XD
Maybe it's just so much easier to take it to an extreme? Because your characters are so... logical that it takes them out of the sanity allowance in normal present society.
Actually, I htink they ARE sane, just... in a different spectrum al together.
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