BACKDATED (all but last private to self):
January 2
Yesterday was the passing of the New Year. I could feel it begin the first few steps of its soon-to-be headlong rush past me, adding its weight to the already four decades standing astride my back. Each day, each month, each year, really, a feather-light touch that only causes pain when amassed. It is times like this, and, I suppose, that ridiculous celebration of the time of one's birth that only serve as markings of growing age, of things changed and gone.
So much has changed in a year, and yet, so much has stayed the same. He is still gone, the Ministry continues on as it ever was, the bloated parasite, and I live on. My reputation grows only the better, and this could be the year that the Malfoy family is again united.
If only I did not feel so old.
As ridiculous as it sounds, I suppose the best way to counteract that feeling is to make a resolution or two to make me feel young again. I, simply, need not mention the fact that I have made any to anyone. The first I need not even bother to voice, for it is finally coming to pass: slowly, slowly we are rebuilding the society of Death Eaters to give life its true meaning and purpose yet again. I suppose a good correlate--something to yet again return the world to the proper, pureblood order of things--is to reform the Ministry. I have thought it before, but now it is high time to try to put things into practice. Hopefully, my plans for our Twelfth Night celebration should begin that particular opportunity blossoming. Lastly, on the simple, physical level, perhaps some moderate exercise would keep the body feeling younger. On that point, we shall have to see.
January 4
There was a curious
flyer posted around town this morning as I took my morning stroll. I do not believe I have heard of this 'Madame Hannah' before. Perhaps she bears a little looking into. At the very least, the methods that she advertises she utilises to see the future seem particularly Muggle-oriented to me. I do not understand why any reasonably-minded wizard would wish to patronize her shop, so I
took care of that particular eyesore.
January 8
The Masque and its many tediums and joys took my attention away from it at the time, but now that that has come to its glorious conclusion, my attention can return again to that flyer woman.
It appears that, at the least, she is a Muggle-lover. She works with the filthy little apes as her job. It also appears that her family line is dirty. This could not have come at a better time. I do believe that we could both cement the fledgeling group as well as send a little message to the wizarding community. If only I did not wear this cursed Ministry bauble. I would so dearly love to join in the fun...
Soon. I can only hope for soon. But, at the least, we might just have an outlet beyond mere information-gathering and testing our strength with our little 'friend,' the Lord of Misrule. Perhaps he'll want his future told. And what a vision Madame Hannah will have soon in her crystal ball.
January 9
[Private to Severus Snape]
From one man who would prefer to ignore the passage of time to another, I wish you good cheer for the date of your birth, Severus. Do let me know if there is something, some potion ingredient or what-have-you, that you would like. This day should not go entirely uncommemorated.
~L.[/Private to Severus Snape]