секс-тест - в рай или ад?

Jul 20, 2005 16:10


Raw score: 52%
You're a fallen angel. There's some innocence there, but the sexual dark side has called you and, possibly, is already using you. But, still, you're naughty, not evil; dirty, not filthy. You're certainly hellbound, and you'll most likely seek out other imps like yourself to work your wicked will. There might be a moral core there, but it's been overtaken by lust. Things weren't always this way, were they?

When you finally accepted your urges, did you find the nectar too sweet to go without? No? Isn't nectar on the salty side anyway? You know how it tastes. For now, you might just be nibbling on forbidden fruit, but you'll soon be eating it whole.

AVOID: the heavenbound. Your path is downward, and you'll need a guide.

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The Sexual HELL Test

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