Much as I complain about it, I think my camera is the one for me because of photos like this one.
Having a manual focus lens has cost me many, many photos for not being exact. I have trouble not using a screen because of my glasses, and I couldn't count the times I've cursed it for being too light or dark because the surroundings have changed and I've not intuitively changed with them. I can't zoom in, and very often I can't capture the full area because I can't get far enough back to have it all in focus at once. But that's what my phone is for.
Comparing my pictures with my mum's when we visit the same places, I end up thinking that her's have captured the place we were in, but mine have captured my memories. I don't remember entire buildings (because I have a bad memory, and because I'm the type that likes to rush around and find everything as soon as possible), but what I do take in and see is colours, textures, small details. This is a pretty boring photo - mum's had all of the water, the fancy dragon that was spouting more out, the surroundings, and the building in the background. Which is lovely and representative of the place we were visiting. But something I studied and wanted to make a memory of was the beautiful colour of the water, which my camera thankfully captured exactly as it was.
I often look through the photos I've taken and think they must look boring to other people and not really worth showing, but it's only just occurred to me why - a lot of them are a scene as seen through my eyes. It's not the full picture, just that small part I was focused on. And now I've realised that I like them a lot more for what they are. Still not sure about sharing them, but :D;