
May 09, 2012 22:39

heh.. Remember when I said/wrote that there was a new face at my work? Well I met him again.. He's actually even more good looking than I remembered. I spoke with him some and he's well behaved ;) talkative, funny and nice.. but.... of course he's taken. 
Duh! what a surprise. not. There's a saying here that 'all funny/nice/well-why-not guys are either taken or simply not here'.. You know sometimes it's so true it almost hurts..

My friend came on the same day I came back :) We had loooots of fun :) we almost walked through every possible 'tourist's attraction' that's here. We watched movies and talked till early hours :) really early hours as unfortunately I had to go to work the next day ;) I lived :) Too bad she couldn't stay longer.. well.. we left something for the next time :)

Then came the weekend when they came back at 6.30am.. of course everything I planned just went down the drain.. and of course she started with her endless mood swings when one time she's so angry you don't know what the hell is happening and other when she's so nice it almost makes you want to puke..

I'm going to a disco on Friday :) as a integration-company-meeting :) it might even be... interesting's the word?;) Well you know.. the people I like are going to be there so no fretting's necessary :)

Goodnight :)
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