Oct 18, 2011 21:05
Sorry.. my always boring life wasn't so boring these last few days :)
I went to province's capital to see a volley-ball match :) I [as always] cheered for the guest team :) I think I'm biased towards local team because of it's fans.. I find them annoying and bad-behaved.. All those shouting and whistling.. Anyway.. the match was good :) we had fun :) afterwards we went to a bar where my sister used to work. And we played darts there.. I didn't win since my aim isn't the best :) The guy I find intriguing did win - both times :)
I found out that beer is dangerous ;) especially when you don't drink it often.. like me :) cause you know.. two beers and my world is starting to swing :)
Of course we played cards - it's a common time-waster at my cousins' flat :)
And sunday :) we went roller-skating :) despite being autumn here it was a really nice day with lot of sun.. Cold but in the same time warm - we had to unzip our jackets. We meaning my intriguing guy and me :)
Now I'll be going for a accounting course for four days :) and after I'm staying again at my cousins', cause there's another match I want to go to :) My favourite team is coming here :)
I signed myself for a JLPT N4 :) I should start that grammar learning fast..
What's the best thing to do when guy is giving mixed signals? Tell yourself 'No expectations' and just have as much fun as it's possible. I did.. And it was a blast :D