I'm sitting in my Excel class, bored out of my mind (as anyone who follow me on twitter will already know). I'm three chapters ahead of the rest of the class, but still stuck here until the teacher lets me leave. So I figure why not ramble here for awhile?
Really looking forward to MediaWest this year, especially since we'll be getting ready to leave in exactly one week! Even though this will be my fourth (I think) year, I've always gone to panels, but I've never volunteered to be on one. This year, I'm doing seven. I may be insane. Scratch that, I know I'm insane. But I'm also seriously excited about them. I'm also excited to see some friends who I only get to see once a year. I'm almost done with the door decorations, just need to finish gluing some bits together and figure out how to arrange everything. And pick up low-tack tape to use. Other than that, it's just a matter of waiting down these last seven days, shoving everything and everyone into the car, and getting on the road.
It's always a bit dangerous when I get into a new fandom, even more so when it happens this close to a very multi-fandom convention. But that's exactly what happened about a week and a half ago.
jooles34 and
emyrldlady introduced me to Primeval. Which might be payback for me prompting Canton Delaware/Jack Harkness fic. But, yeah, that was a rather instantaneous addiction. It's a wonderfully silly show, but I'm quite enjoying it. I'm almost caught up to current too.
Related to that, and blamed/credited to the same people (;-)), I seem to have dipped my toes into the world of cosplay. I was informed that I could quite easily cosplay as Connor Temple, particularly because I already own a number of usable costume pieces. They weren't wrong. And it's fun! I totally understand why people cosplay all of a sudden. I had always appreciated it, but never really "got" it. I do now. With one reservation. Is it normal to realise you've taken on a character's personality, but not the one you're dressed as? Or maybe it was just the mood I was in that day. Whichever it was, it was bizarre. Fun, but bizarre.
Doctor Who
Loving, loving, loving the current series! Not every single bit of it, of course, but overall I'm adoring it. And really looking forward to seeing what else is coming up.
New York
Still trying to wrangle moving up to New York when I'm done with classes in August. I'm planning on taking the first of my certifications by next month, so hopefully that will help me find a job that will make it possible. I've also been spending a ton of time there the last few weeks. Between DWNY events and friends, I think I've been on the train at least once every two weeks, and it's not likely to stop anytime soon.
And on that note, I should possibly go back to pretending to pay attention to my class. I'm going to try to post more than just icons in the future, so maybe I'll be back soon!