Sep 09, 2005 14:03
DIY again, last coat of varnish this morning. Now fixing thingie (cornice?) between my walls and ceiling and that means constantly shuffling around the furniture. Urgh. And it doesn't even look as nice as I had hoped, because due to wobbly ceiling (and the skirting boards I'm using) I can see gaps galore.
If Bloody SisterTM hadn't insisted on trying to even out her walls (which I had told her wouldn't work), I could have managed to finish these things last year. But being herself, she insisted. I, being myself, helped her and thus only mamaged to finish my floor the evening before our stuff arrived.
See, even I can bear a grudge, if only because I'm 'suffering' right now...
Update: still not finished, actually hit my thumb three times (result: damaged nail polish), need to unplug and move TV, stereo and computer. Bah.
My table is scratched. Stupid mirli. Could have plonked a stack of newspapers under the saw.
*hits self with keyboard*