May 16, 2004 16:10
Um, Yea..I saw Troy and I loved it. My favorite character was Hector...NOT PARIS..Paris was a pussy. Omg, I was cracking up at how GOOD Orlando was at being a pussy. It was so fucking funny. I especially liked the practically naked shot of Orlando...he's got a PREEETTYYYY tummy...::drool:: Other than that, I'm proud of him. His acting got hella better (thank god, I was beginning to lose hope), still needs work, but better.
He wasnt in it too much, but thats OK cuz Hector was DOPE! The beginning was a little slow and boring, but the ending was awesome, especially when Paris busted out the bow and arrow. I was like "YES LEGOLAS STRIKES BAAACK!!!"
But I am sad now...No more Orlando movies to look forward to for a while...Well, Ned Kelly comes out on DVD July 27 (I never got to see it in theaters), but it didn't get the best reviews. Lets see, here are his movies that will be out soon.
Return of the King (DVD)-May 25
Ned Kelly (DVD)-July 27
Haven *Post-production*-December 31
The Calcium Kid *Already released in the U.K*-Going straight to video here, no release date
Kingdom of Heaven (Orlando's next BIG movie)-June 1, 2005
Elizabeth Town (Orlando's first all acting no action movie) *Pre-production, haven't even starting filming)-No release date
Pirates of the Caribbean 2&3 (Blah...I hate sequels)-*Pre-production*-No release date
All of those movies except Kingdom of Heaven, Elizabeth Town, and the sequels are small time movies...I wouldnt be suprised if they dont even come to what happened to Ned Kelly...So...I guess I'll just have to be paitent. Return of the King and Ned Kelly will keep me busy...