Have I really been back to journaling for a whole week already? Wow. It's good to be here again, that's for sure. You folks are suggesting a lot of good things to me. Directly or indirectly, on purpose or without one. Doesn't matter. Without you I wouldn't have thought about the bear this much and even formed an opinion on a political matter (that's a rare one!), I wouldn't be listening to The Beatles right now. I wouldn't have this wonderful "Donuts?"-icon (thanks to
buzzylittleb). I wouldn't know that the next book to buy is
"Self-made Man" by Norah Vincent. And I would have missed a whole lot of fun and distraction. Thanks for that!
About human weaknesses- I'd love to eat. Like getting some Chinese food in a take-away. Or buying all the donuts at the local bakery. But I've still got 4 pounds to lose and don't want to go running with this evil ear of mine. Nor swimming, of course. Moreover, I don't want to spend any more money this month. And it's still darn long. Hm. I'll settle for another piece of bread with jam on it and take a walk. I still have to decide if this is a holiday or a working day. I'd have earned one day of leisure, I think. Aah, and this paragraph was supposed to be about smoking, too. I've been smoking this one parcel I was talking about. It totally demystified smoking, it's not half as good as I remembered it. So, I won't do it for another three months, I think. No sweets, no smoking, no money to buy books, no meat (not even bacon *sigh*)- where's fun hiding these days!? Anybody seen him? Send him over!