The Admission by Azurevi [Whirlwind Romance Challenge]

Apr 10, 2011 17:17

Title: The Admission
Author: Azurevi
Prompt: Whirlwind Romance Challenge - Friday
Genre: Romance
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Rating is subject to change as the story progresses!
Word count: 500
A/N: This is the 5th segment of my Whirlwind Romance story, the beginning is here
Summary: Miroku decides Kagome is in need of training.

“Just focus Kagome-sama.” Miroku’s smooth low voice should have been calming but Kagome squirmed.

She knew that he was helping her cope with her powers but when he made her close her eyes and listen to his stupid voice she thought about anything but her powers. His voice was something that set him definitively apart from Inuyasha. Despite being much older than all of them put together, Inuyasha still sounded her age and acted younger.

Miroku didn’t sound like a teenager at all.

With her eyes closed, in her darkened world, with only his voice to focus on, he sounded very grown up.

“Argh! I can’t focus today!” She flopped on her back and threw her arms out to either side. “I think I’m broken.”

“A defective miko hmm?” Miroku poked her side, causing her to squeak. “That is a problem.” He stood and strode out of the room, leaving her.

Kagome suddenly realized that she didn’t want to be left behind. After five days straight of nothing but the houshi’s voice she kinda missed it. Maybe just a little.

“Are you coming?” The deep teasing voice she’d thought she’d missed called.

“Where?” She lifted her head to see him with a basket and a smile.

“To the village, Mushin gets rice and vegetables donated to the temple but anything else we have to go into the village for.”

She thought about it, an afternoon free of meditating, excersize and introspection. “Hell yes!” She raced out of the room, slipping on her flip-flops as she reached the entryway. “Are you coming?”

“Not yet.” She heard a low suggestive murmur.

“What was that lecher?” She growled back, despite the unexpected flip of her stomach at his words.

He stepped up next to her and secured his sandals. “Shall we?”

“How can any one person be so incorrigible?” She planted her hands on her hips and mustered up a good glare.

In response he just smiled and held his arm out to her. “Years of practice.”

She sighed and placed her fingers on his forearm, shivering lightly when she felt his gauntlet and prayer beads beneath her hand. For some reason the idea of the gauntlet, with its dark fabric and leather, was surprisingly erotic.

His eyes darkened minutely and he smiled tightly. “Ah, I’m sorry Kagome-sama, would you be more comfortable if we switched sides?”

She gave him a blank look, searching his face for a reason for the sudden reservation there.

“Oh!” She looked down at the taught arm beneath her touch. “No this is fine, I was just… um…” She blushed unexpectedly and he looked baffled.


He waited patiently, eyes on her, until she caved.

“I was thinking that the gauntlet--not the curse! Just the glove! Was a little… uh…” She squirmed and looked at anything but him. “Sexy.” She finally mumbled.

He gave her a grin that was all male and took her hand in his gauntleted one, lacing their fingers and letting her change the subject.

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