The Fall by Azurevi [Whirlwind Romance Challenge]

Mar 29, 2011 15:00

Title: The Fall
Author: Azurevi
Prompt: Whirlwind Romance Challenge - Wednesday
Genre: Romance/Humor
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Rating is subject to change as the story progresses!
Word count: 500
A/N: This is the 3rd segment of my Whirlwind Romance story, as soon as Fanfic lets me put it on there I'll link it, for now the first 2 segments are below this one, start with The Promise.

Summary: Miroku decides Kagome is in need of training.

Kagome did not know what to think of Miroku. Two days ago he was just a pervert and a houshi and her friend. Now he was making things so complicated.

He saw through her false cheerfulness, saw through her forced smiles and optimism and took it upon himself to help her recover for the good of the group. She knew that she couldn’t lie to him just as she could no longer lie to herself. She’d been lying to herself for a long time.

Even without the evidence staring her in the face she knew deep in her heart of hearts that Inuyasha was divided at his very core. Her promise to stay by his side had turned from childishly sincere words to very grown up pain. It had taken her a year to really understand what it meant to have promised to remain by him when he made no promise in return.

The first day of training Miroku had given her time to unwind, unpack, settle and adjust to her new surroundings, yesterday he’d made her meditate under a waterfall to give a physical motion to washing away her pain. She let the water drain away all the hurt, empty hopes and torturous promises, leaving her hollow and empty afterwards.

Today he wanted to fill the void in her heart with self-confidence and trust.

“Just try Kagome-sama!” Miroku encouraged cheerfully.


“It’s an exercise of trust! It will help you heal!”

She glanced over her shoulder where he stood several feet back, arms ready to catch her from a free-fall. All she had to do was fall backwards without trying to catch herself.

“You know Inuyasha catches me all the time when I fall.” She suggested half-heartedly.

“The whole point of this training vacation is for you to learn to trust yourself and others to support you. It would defeat the purpose entirely if you just went back to falling into Inuyasha’s arms the moment we are attacked.” He lectured.

He was right of course. But that didn’t make it sting any less.

“Fall into my arms-”


“Kagome-sama!” Miroku snapped. “You are being childish! This is an essential part of your training!”

“Can’t we just agree that I trust you to catch me if I fall?” She pleaded.

“If you trust me to catch you then why won’t you let yourself fall?”

“It’s not the catching I’m worried about! It’s the groping!” She caught his guilty look when she turned around to face him. “See! You were totally going to grope me!”

“I promised Shippo-chan I would behave myself, trust me, I will not let you fall or touch you inappropriately.” He was almost pleading now, eyes so earnest that it made her pause.

“… Fine.”

A dangerously calculating gleam lit his eyes. “Are you giving me permission to-?”

“No damnit! I’m going to fall now and you’d better catch me CHASTELY.”

“Of course.” His violet eyes were serious again. “Trust me.”

And she did, so she fell.

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