Buried on Sunday by perphila [whirlwind challenge]

Jun 01, 2010 14:49

Title: Buried on Sunday
Author: perphila
Prompt: Whirlwind Challenge
Genre: angst, romance
Rating: pg 13
Warnings: slight Miroku lechery
Word Count: 1738
A/N: This is based on the nursery rhyme Solomon Grundy
Summary: Miroku and Kagome return to the village with good news. Sango isn't so thrilled.

Sango saw Miroku and Kagome's return to the village with a curious eye. She had thought Kagome foolish when Inuyasha came back from the river with Miroku's robe. He asked her if she could mend it and she was not pleased. Kagome was the one who let her ire get the better or her that resulted in the tear to begin with. Sango had her son and her own house to run without having to clean up Kagome's messes.

Despite that she did feel bad for her former friend. She could easily see Kagome was developing feelings for the monk. Running off after him was proof enough of that. She shook her head. Sango had learned the hard way Miroku wasn't a one woman man. Once she understood this, her feelings of friendship for Inuyasha developed into something more. At first it was helping him cope with Kagome's loss. They helped each other. The uncertainty of if Kagome would even return haunted her at the time. She had already lost so many she cared for, losing Kagome was just another blow.

She had tried to talk to Miroku about it. Hoping he would help her to get Inuyasha to accept Kagome was never coming back but Miroku was tight lipped. He listened of course. He always did, but he did not help her. She was left alone to help their friend and maybe it was then she began letting the monk go. He hadn't stopped following village girls or flirting with female travelers. What more proof did she need?

Miroku slipped his hand in Kagome's and gave it a little swing making the girl blush. Sango's eyes narrowed. She gathered the now mended robe and made her way to them.

“Miroku. Inuyasha found your robe by the river. I mended it for you.”

Sango handed the clothing to him and he released Kagome's hand to accept it.

“Thank you Sango. Please thank Inuyasha as well for me.”

Kagome fidgeted beside him.

“Yeah, thanks Sango. I completely forgot about it.”

Miroku looked at Kagome quizzically.

“I was doing the wash when I...decided to come find you. It was a sudden decision.”

Kagome looked away biting her lowed lip.

Miroku smiled.

“You couldn't wait to come to me, eh?”

Kagome whirled around and whacked his arm before letting out a small giggle.

“Don't get a big head mister.”

Sango watched their banter and crossed her arms. She never recalled having such an easy comradere with Miroku and it stung. Even if she knew Miroku was just leading Kagome on in his flirty ways it still was bothersome.

“Oh Sango? Is Inuyasha around?”

Sango blinked. This was the first time Kagome spoke to her first. On top of that she asked after Inuyasha without flinching.

“He's with the baby, by the goshinboku.”

Kagome smiled up at Miroku and it was brilliant. Sango actually took a step back.

“Figures he would be there. Shall we go say hi?”

“I am sure he already knows we are back.”

Kagome nodded.

“Yes, but I want to tell him what we've decided.”

“What are you talking about?,” Sango asked with a creeping suspicion.

Miroku turned to Sango and bowed.

“I have asked for Kagome to be my wife and she has accepted.”

Miroku took Kagome's hand back in his and brought it up for a kiss.

“What?,” Sango whispered.

Kagome beamed back at him then leaned into his side laying her head near his shoulder.


Kagome turned away to look at Sango.


“I know we have our differences but as someone who still views you as a friend even if you don't I have to say I think you're making a big mistake.”

She turned to Miroku.

“I'm sorry Miroku. I care for you as a friend but I think we all know you would not be a good husband.”

Kagome narrowed her eyes at the former slayer. Miroku only lowered Kagome's hand and put on a blank face.

“Why would you say such a thing Sango? Having Inuyasha isn't enough for you?”

Sango turned her body completely towards Kagome.

“I know what I am saying might sound hurtful but I am only trying to look out for you. You can say anything mean to me you like but Miroku is just not a one woman man. He will always be going after one female after another and it will only leave you in misery. Why do you think I turned from him in the first place Kagome? I knew he couldn't be trusted.”

Kagome's grip on Miroku's hand tightened. She was so angry she couldn't even form words. She didn't have to because Miroku spoke first.

“Sango. I know we haven't discussed this before but it seems now there is no choice. I knew Kagome before I met you. I cared for her before I knew you. At the time I had the threat of the wind tunnel pushing me to have an son and Kagome was in love with Inuyasha. It was not the time or the place to let my feelings for Kagome grow. Then I met you.”

Kagome looked up at Miroku and nodded at him encouragingly. They had discussed all of the this during their travels back to the village. It had been like a dream. They talked nonstop and fell asleep every night in each others arms. She was still in shock at how quickly things had progressed in only one week but, really, hadn't this had years in the making?

Sango was tense and she could see Miroku was serious.

“I had hoped to move on from what was already forming in my heart for Kagome. I thought I had. You seemed to care for me but there was always something holding you back. Still, I thought, if I lived, once Naraku was gone you and I could have a life together.”

He looked down at Kagome with a sad look in his eyes.

“Then Kagome disappeared. It was like a knife through my heart. I missed her every single day. I saw Inuyasha's pain and felt it too. Things changed. You began spending more time with Inuyasha. I was angry with him for giving up hope for Kagome's return. It really wasn't long before I knew your feelings were with him not me. I don't blame you for that. I wasn't as attentive to you as I could have been. I am sorry for that.”

Sango's eyes watered. She thought she was over that. She really did.

“What I do object to is your idea I would be unfaithful. I am well aware of my past. I hope that you also remember I stopped asking women to bear my children and flirting not long before our last battle with Naraku. I didn't start again until I saw your feelings had changed not before. You may not have noticed you were in love with Inuyasha but I did. You may want to blame me and if that makes you feel better then I understand. Just know I wanted to bury all those feeling of loss and pain in meaningless flirtations. I'm sorry Sango, I am a one woman man, you just weren't that woman.”

Kagome walked to Sango and gripped the other woman's shoulder.

“Since I have come back have you seen Miroku flirting around? Aren't you the one who told me I should be hoping for his happiness? Shouldn't you?”

“She's right you know.”

The three of them turned around to see Inuyasha behind them with his son in one arm.


Sango looked at her mate who had a wistful look on his face.

“He never missed a day checking the well to see if Kagome had returned. I knew then he loved her. More than I ever could.”

He walked to Sango and gave her their son.

“It's time to bury the past Sango.”

He went and stood before Kagome and placed a hand on her cheek.

Kagome looked up and him and gave him a quick hug.

“Thank you Inuyasha.”

“I'm sorry I hurt you.”

She stepped back and quirked her head at him.

“Did Inuyasha just apologize?”

Miroku nodded.

“I believe he did. Possession maybe?”

Kagome looked back at Miroku and pretended to be thinking seriously.

“Could be. Maybe you should throw a sutra on him just to make sure.”

Inuyasha backed up slowly waving his hands in front of him.

“Hey, wait a minute...”

Miroku took out a sutra and took a step in Inuyasha's direction.

“I could just say “the word” and shake whatever has him right out.”

Miroku looked at Kagome and smirked.

“Perhaps we should do it together?”

Inuyasha paled.

“Come on guys....guys?”

Kagome took a deep breath.

Inuyasha ran for it and she let out her breath in laughter.

“We were just kidding!,” she shouted after him in between giggles.

“I guess we can tell him about moving later?”

Kagome nodded at Miroku and they turned to go back to their home.


Kagome half turned back to Sango who had been silent during their joking.

“After we get married we are going to move in with Mushin. He is getting along in years and needs help at the temple.”


“That remains to be seen. We did put a lot of work in the hut after all.,” Miroku replied.

He turned back to Kagome and put his arms around her.

“Which ever place is big enough for all the children right, my dearest?,” Miroku punctuated his endearment with a quick squeeze on her behind.

Kagome squeaked and wriggled away, sprinting towards the house.

He took off after her and dropped his staff as he caught up with her so he could swing her around before bringing her in for a lingering kiss.

“I love you Kagome. I always have and I always will.”

Kagome leaned her forehead to touch his and sighed.

“I love you too, Miroku.”

Sango silently turned away from the couple who only had eyes for each other. Inuyasha was right. The past was something best left buried. It was time to move on. 

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