Monday's Mistake - Whirlwind Challange

May 23, 2010 16:29

Title: Monday’s Mistake
Author: Desenchanter
Prompt: Whirlwind Romance Challenge - Monday
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: T
Warnings: drunkness
Word Count: 1,630
Summary: Everyone makes mistakes, mikos aren’t any exception.
A/N: This is CU but tweaked to meet the needs of, well, this couple. It’s nothing too drastic. This story is set shortly after Sango joined the group, so early canon.

It was rather miraculous the way lies could roll so smoothly off of the monk’s tongue whenever need be, which was often. At first it had bothered the school girl dearly, he was constantly cheating poor, innocent, souls out of food and a room that they could rent out to actual paying customers but… then she slowly stopped caring. The simple thought always came to mind-would she rather be out in the woods? The answer was always ‘nope’ so she gave up on feeling shamed for her companion’s deceit.

He could provide her and everyone else a warm shelter away from the cool, damp forest that she knew her hanyou comrade preferred. Constant gripes left his tongue in an unsavory fashion whenever they ditched his desired location for an inn that supposedly held a bad omen over it. It was enough to spark a sigh and small shake of her head, which only infuriated the hanyou more.

“You’re taking his side?” Inuyasha growled with her arms tucked into his sleeves as always while his fiery golden gaze glared at the girl beside him.

“I like being able to sleep inside instead of out,” Kagome replied in a simple matter of fact tone.

It was always odd, though, when once in a blue moon the monk was not telling a lie. When the inn was truly possessed by some ill spirit and they held the supposed ‘honor’ of standing by to watch as he exercised the spirit. It was a shocking reminder that even though he was often full of hot air he could truly come in handy, he had actual spiritual power.

Like her… expect, she was a novice at best. When she did use her powers it was generally a mistake in a do or die situation. Her archery skills were subpar, too, and she didn’t cease to hear of it from a certain silver haired dog eared boy.

The exorcism was quite the spectacle, so much so that the inn keeper and his large family felt they needed to throw them a special ceremony for thanks. A grand feast was provided along with sake, a great deal of that.

None of that caught her attention like the floating snakes in the sky, the gleaming eerie things that they were. A part of her thought she should tell Inuyasha, that it was Kikyou’s attempt to summon him to her, yet a larger part of her hoped and prayed he would not notice them, that he would not run off to her again.

When had he become so important? When had he infected her so that it truly ached to watch his ears twitch and golden gaze flicker up to them?

The look he gave her was the worst part of it all, he wasn’t the type to be sorry but every time he’d give her just a glimpse of an apologetic glance before he said some bullshit excuse and rushed away.

“I’m sorry, Kagome-chan,” Sango would whisper with a weak attempt at a smile.

Her pity only made the situation worse, she preferred Miroku’s silent ‘I’m staying out of this’ attitude. Shippou was dreadful; it was really because of him that she tried sake. His constant complaints of the betrayal that Inuyasha committed each time he left to see his undead love.

But that was what it was… right? Undying love, that was what he shared with the cold, clay miko. Love, he loved Kikyou, not… her. How could she compete with someone who had died for him? So she drank more of the bitter, foul tasting liquid to feel the warm stupor wash over her with each swig. Her new friend had long ago retired to their room to get a good night rest or else she probably would not have been permitted a four shot of sake. Oh, how her mother would throw a fit if she found out.

Finally, someone intervened to stop a fifth, “Kagome-sama,” he started to win her drunken attention, “perhaps that is enough?”

“What do you know?” She snapped with a slur as she tried to withdraw her hand from his in an attempt to get at her glass once more.

“Come with me,” he requested with a sigh as he grabbed her other arm to lead her out of the room and onto the porch for some much needed fresh air. With care, he helped his sit down with only mild fumbles. Cautiously, he took a seat next to her. It would be easy for her lecherous ways to take advantage of the situation, she was gone and would be easy to manipulate but there was no fun when there was no game, no sport in it.

“Miroku-sama,” she sang as she leaned her head upon his shoulder before wrapping her arms around one of his, instantly he tensed up at her new found affection for him. Apparently, an intoxicated Kagome was a very friendly Kagome; he’d have to keep that in mind.

“Kagome-sama,” he warily replied, “how are you feeling?”

“Fine! Very fine, perfectly fine, lovely fine,” she assured with a gracious smile.

There was a light within her, a hope that no one else in the group possessed. It was enchanting, one of the features of hers that he admired. Then again, he knew why she could hold that optimism-she had not lost. Not like him, not like the hot headed hanyou, not like the little kitsune, and none had like their new taijiya comrade. She had a home to return to, a family to cherish, and a future away from all the dread.

It did not matter, he couldn’t hold ill will towards her for that, nor jealousy, he was merely thankful for the smiles she could wear that shined like the grandest stars, the joy and constant inclination to look on the brighter side. For that, he’d always be thankful.

Then he heard something odd, rare form her, a mutter of misery, “Is she prettier?”

“Who, Kagome-sama?” He knew, it was foolish to pretend otherwise.


One would have to be mindless not to realize that her sudden interest in sake had to be tied to Inuyasha’s disappearance earlier that night. His prolonged absence probably did not help the situation, either.

“Miroku-sama?” She kept up as she pulled away to look up at him with her big brown eyes, it sparked a strange clench in his chest. “Is she prettier than me?”

The clench tightened when she battered her eyelashes to keep the tears at bay, how his hanyou comrade could constantly hurt her like that was beyond him. He had something precious, something real, something here-why did he seek something more?

With a small shake of his head he lifted his cursed hand to place it upon both of hers, “no, Kagome-sama, she is not. I have yet to meet someone who is.”

The added flattery caused a smile to lift her lips as he had hoped before she nodded to rest her head upon his shoulder again. She took her hands out from below his to take it gently into both; he opened her hand for her like it appeared she wanted before she began to trace all of it. On the outside, up and down his fingers, around his palm, and then within his hand to trace the bottomless pit-the bane of his existence.

The clench returned as his mesmerized violets followed her every movement, “Kagome-sama…”

“Do you think that Inuyasha likes me? Or am I being stupid? Am I grasping at something I can never have? I like him…”

That freed the tension in his chest as he let out a breath; of course, he knew that… he did, so why did that suddenly disappoint him? He was being foolish, that was all. “Yes, I believe Inuyasha likes you a great deal. He just has an odd way of showing it.”

“But… enough to pick me? Over her? Or is it because of her he likes me? That I look like her? Do I look like her?” She pulled away once more so that her hazels could lock with his violets, her words still slurred together.

Honestly, he did not know the answer to that. His wisdom was not as grand as she thought it was.

But he was not an honest man, for her benefit he would lie. Yet when the words left him in a soothing tone it was the truth. It tasted almost bitter. “I believe he would be a fool to pick anyone but you.”


“Yes,” he nodded.

He didn’t expect it in the least bit, if he had he might have avoided it, but all of a sudden she shut her eyes and quickly pressed her lips to his. His wide violets locked with her hazels once she pulled away to look at him once more, “I was curious… I saw Inuyasha and Kikyou kiss… I’ve never kissed someone so… I thought why not?”

It seemed so simple before she stood up and giggled, wobbly, “let’s go to our room, Miroku-sama!”

It took a moment before he found a way to his feet to take her by the arm so she would not topple over. She was drunk. It was a mistake, nothing more.

It was nothing. He had kissed woman before. It was barely anything, just a fumbled, a silly young girl’s gaffe. She would probably not even remember it the next day…

Then why did his chest still flutter? Why was he so flustered?

Without any problems she fell onto a futon and slipped away to slumber land… while he had nothing but difficulties trying to get his mind to slow or to even pry it away from that brief moment.

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