Christened on Tuesday by perphila [Whirlwind Challenge]

Apr 12, 2010 16:34

Title: Christened on Tuesday
Author: perphila
Prompt: Whirlwind Challenge
Genre: angst, romance
Rating: R
Warnings: some bad language
Word Count: 728
A/N: This is based on the nursery rhyme Solomon Grundy
Summary: Kagome reflects on her return. Miroku and Kagome move in to a home together. Time to celebrate?

Kagome walked into the new hut and looked around slowly. Feet shuffling she made her way around the inside, fingertips padding along the walls. It was large by the village standards. A nice common area with three small rooms attached. One was for a sick room of sorts and two bedrooms.

She had been living with Kaede since her return. She desperately needed the elderly miko's guidance and support those first few weeks. Coming back on the day Sango had given birth to Inuyasha's first child had been shattering. Kagome could only smirk internally at her timing. It was supposed to be a day of joy for the woman Kagome had until that heart breaking moment considered a sister.

Kagome made a little fist thinking of how she had swallowed her pain and showed no one her hurt and anger. She had refused to shed any tears that day. Kagome knew coming back in the first place she was taking a gamble. One she had obviously lost. The next day she was able to hide the limp from the sprained ankle she had received from trying to jump into the well for home. Everyone that is except Miroku. She saw her own pain reflected in his eyes with each wince she made. She couldn't understand how he could still be living in the village after all this time. Not with having to watch Sango mate and start a family with Inuyasha of all people. Then again, who was she to talk.

Kagome let out a sigh and released her fist. Miroku. He had been the first to greet her. She had to admit she had been surprised it wasn't Inuyasha but it had only been fleeting once Miroku grabbed her into his arms for a crushing yet welcoming hug. She had giggled then slightly taken aback he hadn't tried to cop a feel. At the time she had assumed those days were most likely behind him now he was married to Sango.

Kagome shook her head. She had made so many assumptions.

“What do you think?”

Kagome jumped. She had forgotten Miroku had been behind her.

“Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.”

Kagome smiled and waved it off.

“I like it. It's...big.”

Miroku nodded thoughtfully.

“Bigger than Kaede's assuredly. Not quite as big as what you have been used to I would imagine.”

Kagome turned away a moment before nodding. Miroku sighed. It was obvious Kagome was still feeling the loss of her family.

“Tongues are wagging about this arrangement you know.”

Miroku's eyes twinkled in amusement.

“I regret to say I have heard worse said about me.”

“Worse than you corrupting the shikon miko?”

Miroku chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

“Is that what I'm doing?”

Kagome walked over to him and casually slung one arm around him.

“Don't worry about it. Arrangements like this are common in my time. We mates.”

Mirkou copied Kagome's movements by putting an arm over her shoulders.

“Room mates. Does that mean we get to share one room?” he asked wiggling his eye brows at her.

Kagome pulled back and gave him a little punch in the shoulder with a laugh.

“And here I thought those lecherous days were behind you.”

“Yeah right, and fox demons never play tricks.”

“I take offense to that Inuyasha!”

Miroku and Kagome turned to see Shippo and Inuyasha standing in the doorway. Inuyasha was holding a huge vat over one shoulder.

Kagome could smell it from where she was standing and took a step back wrinkling her button nose.

“Is that what I think it is?”

“You bet monk. I got enough sake in this to make Mushin turn green with envy.”

“Lucky us,” Kagome commented dryly.

“Don't be such a tight ass Kagome. We're all going to drink tonight to your new home.”

Miroku stood behind Kagome a moment and shook his head looking deep in thought.

“I disagree Inuyasha. I think I prefer Kagome with a tight ass.”


Kagome whirled and slapped him across the face before storming into one of the new bedrooms.

Miroku rubbed his cheek with a look of nostalgia.

“Wait..wait, I think I remember this.”

Inuyasha laughed while Shippo shook his head.

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