Acceptance Day by NiftyPaint24 [Whirlwind Romance Challenge]

Jan 23, 2009 09:22

Title: Acceptance Day
Author: NiftyPaint24
Prompt: Whirlwind Romance Challenge - Saturday
Genre: Romance
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: M
Warnings: Nothing I can think of. Oh...OOCness.
Word Count: 976
A/N: The sixth chapter of 7 Days Can Change Everything.
Summary: Inuyasha comes to terms with Miroku and Kagome's relationship after a discussion with Miroku.

Much of Friday had been spent with Inuyasha being 'sat', then once he regained consciousness coming to look for the couple that refused to answer his questions. Miroku was somewhat impressed with how resilient Inuyasha proved to be. There was no way a human could have withstood the punishment Kagome had dealt out to him. By Friday evening Inuyasha had calmed somewhat, but refused to let Miroku and Kagome out of his sight, which led to some very uncomfortable moments. He never failed to grumble under his breath about how pissed off he was about the situation and that would lead to Kagome muttering 'sit' under her breath. It would be just enough to slam him to the floor of the hut without damaging it and would get Inuyasha to shut up for a few seconds.
The night wore on and it was the first in the last few that Miroku and Kagome didn't spend it in each other's arms. Kagome slept on her sleeping bag with her back to the fire and Inuyasha. While Miroku slept with his back against the wall facing Kagome. Sleep never fully welcomed him into it's embrace. He only dosed off a few times, for no more then a couple of minutes, feeling slightly uneasy about Inuyasha's presence. The stubborn hanyou chose to sit next to the door with his arms folded across his chest, never taking his eyes from Kagome's back. Miroku sighed internally. Tomorrow would no doubt be a rematch between the three of them and for the second time in as many nights, the monk silently prayed. Though this time it would be for his friend to find acceptance with his and Kagome's relationship.

{} {} {} {} {}

Kagome woke Saturday morning finding herself and Kaede the only ones in the hut. Her mind raced and she was quickly on her feet.

'Please tell me that the two of them didn't take off to beat the crap out of each another.' She cried in her mind as she pushed the door covering out of the way and stepped outside.

The sight that greeted her eyes was one she would never forget, nor expected to see. Miroku and Inuyasha sat next to one another on a log with their backs to her. They seemed to be in deep conversation, or at least Miroku was talking with Inuyasha. She could tell that Inuyasha was uncomfortable. His back was stiff and his arms were folded across his chest. While Miroku spoke softly and looked much more relaxed. He suddenly turned to Inuyasha and put a hand on his shoulder smiling. Inuyasha turned to Miorku with a scowl on his face, then looked over his shoulder at Kagome. Without any comment what-so-ever, the hanyou stood and took off towards the forest. Kagome closed the distance between her and Miroku slowly, stepping over the log and finally stopping in front if him.

“What was all that about?” She asked looking towards the forest where Inuyasha had disappeared.

“What was what?” Miroku asked innocently looking up at her while still sitting on the log.

Kagome glanced down at Miroku.

“What were you two talking about?” She clarified.

“Oh...nothing in particular.”

Kagome eyed the monk skeptically.

“Yesterday the two of you couldn't come within five feet of each other with out him attempting to rip your throat out and this morning you're sitting around talking like nothing's wrong.” Kagome paused for a breath and to glare at Miroku. “Something happened to change things between the two of you.”

“He's accepted the fact that you and I are together.” Miroku said with a grin as he stood. “And he finally saw the futility in trying to force us apart.”

“This is Inuyasha we're talking about.” Kagome said with a feminine snort. “He doesn't see the futility in anything.”

“Well...he's turned over a new leaf so to speak.” Miroku pulled Kagome into his arms. “I think it would be best if we gave him the time and space he needs to come to terms with this. He's unbelievably protective of you.”

“That's an understatement.” Kagome mumbled as she wrapped her arms around Miroku's waist.

Miroku kissed her temple before swiftly changing the subject.

“I, for one, failed to get any sleep last night-”

“I didn't get all that much either.” Kagome admitted.

Miroku pulled away from Kagome in favor of taking her hand and leading her towards the hut. He wasn't willing to admit it to Kagome, heck he wasn't sure if he was willing to admit it to himself yet, but a big part of why he couldn't sleep the night before was because Kagome had not been in his arms. And unknown to him, Kagome had felt the same. It had been impossible for her to fall asleep without the warmth of his arms around her. She smiled as Miroku pushed the door covering aside and waited for her to enter the hut. They quickly settled onto Kagome's sleeping bag and Miroku pulled Kagome into his arms once more. Kagome sighed contentedly and was soon asleep. Miroku thought over his and Inuyasha's conversation that morning before being lulled asleep himself. He had 'politely' informed Inuyasha that although he knew the hanyou cared for Kagome, he had no right to keep her from doing anything that made her happy. If that included a relationship with himself then so be it. Miroku would do the same if their roles were reversed. And he also explained that he knew Inuyasha had gone off with Kikyo and that was also not fair for Kagome. She should be second to none. Inuyasha had begrudgingly agreed with one warning, that if Miroku ever made her upset for any reason, he would kick his ass into the next millennium. Miroku had placed his hand on his shoulder and smiled. 'Agreed.'

romantic, niftypaint24, cu, !saturday, whirlwind romance challenge

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