Peaceful Moment Day by NiftyPaint24 [Whirlwind Romance Challenge]

Jan 18, 2009 15:40

Title: Peaceful Moment Day
Author: NiftyPaint24
Prompt: Whirlwind Romance Challenge - Thursday
Genre: Romance/Fluff
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: M
Warnings: Miroku being Miroku and Kagome being Miroku. ( read that right)
Word Count: 661
A/N: The fourth chapter of 7 Days Can Change Everything.
Summary: Miroku and Kagome share each other's company.

Kaede had spent the night with a sick mother and new born child leaving Miroku and Kagome to themselves. Although every instinct he had screamed that he take advantage of the situation, something held him back. Even now with Kagome snuggled up next to his side on her sleeping bag next to the dieing fire he felt content with just holding her. His thoughts wandered to what would most likely happen when Inuyasha got back from wherever it was that he had gone to. It would no doubt be a knock down, drag out fight with Kagome screaming 'sit' several times in order to subdue an irate hanyou. It was Thursday and the two day limit that Inuyasha had set before he left. Miroku sent up a silent prayer that Inuyasha wouldn't return until night fall. Kagome suddenly stirred and opened her eyes.
“Good morning.” Miroku said softly before kissing her forehead.

“What time is it?” Kagome asked, rubbing the back of her hand across her eyes.

“Late. Well, later then the usual time we wake.”

“Hmm.” Kagome said as she stifled a yawn. “Kaede didn't come back yet?”


“We should probably get up before she does.”

Miroku nodded, but neither of them made an attempt to move. Kagome giggled.

“This is nice, isn't it?”

“Yes.” Miroku answered with a grin.

It was nice. Definitely one of the better feelings in life. Having someone you care about wrapped in your arms. He could get use to this. Kagome finally took the insinuative and pushed herself into a sitting position. She looked down at Miroku and smiled.

“What are you thinking about?”

He propped himself up on one elbow before he answered.

“I was thinking of how much I enjoy this. Just the two of us.” He said honestly.

Kagome grinned with what Miroku could only describe as a devious gleam in her eyes.

“Oh yeah?” She asked as she pushed him onto his back once more.

Miroku willingly complied to her wishes and settled back down against the sleeping bag, resting his hands behind his head. What Kagome did next however, completely took him by surprise. She flung her left leg over him and straddled his waist, placing her hands on his chest. Their new found position sent his mind racing with all sorts of dirty images and he found himself wishing that she was wearing her school uniform rather then her flannel pants and overly sized t-shirt. Kagome leaned down and pressed her lips to his. She gently nibbled at his bottom lip and as Miroku pulled his left hand from behind his head, she pulled away smirking. Miroku whimpered slightly, then cursed himself for becoming so damn pathetic. It had just been a simple kiss for Kami's sake. Kagome smirked triumphantly before attempting to push herself to her feet. Miroku's hands were instantly on the sides of her thighs, holding her in place.

“Leaving so soon?” He asked with a lop-sided grin.

“We have chores to do and Kaede could be back any second. Inuyasha even for that matter.” Kagome reasoned.

“Oh, I doubt Kaede will be back before this afternoon and Inuyasha...I'm not concerned with.”

Kagome huffed.

“You should be. He's going to rip you limb from limb when he finds out about this.” Kagome offered as she attempted to move again.

Miroku's hands held firm and once she stopped resisting, his right hand slid dangerously close to her behind. Much to his surprise, she didn't slap him, yell at him, or even stop him. When his hand finally reached it's desired destination, Kagome's face turned a lovely shade of pink and she broke eye contact with him. She didn't stop him, no, but she was still timid. He smiled at her before playfully slapping her butt.

“If you insist that he not find us in this...position, then I suppose I will concede.” Kagome smiled shyly at him. “For now.” He added quietly.

romantic, !thursday, niftypaint24, cu, whirlwind romance challenge

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