Return To The Past Day by NiftyPaint24 [Whirlwind Romance Challenge]

Jan 13, 2009 09:20

Title: Return To The Past Day
Author: NiftyPaint24
Prompt: Whirlwind Romance Challenge - Monday
Genre: Romance
AU/CU: Canon Universe
Rating: M (for later chapters)
Warnings: Eh...I don't think there's anything. Some OOCness.
Word Count: 1395
A/N: I've tweaked the canon universe to suit my own needs. Although, isn't this paring sort of doing that already? ;9 Anyhoo this is pre-Sango and Shippo is mysteriously non-existent. The first chapter of 7 Days Can Change Everything.
Summary: Kagome returns the the feudal era to find a surprise waiting for her.

Kagome tossed her overly stuffed back pack on her bed and looked around the room.
'I know I'm forgetting something.' She thought glancing at her school bag sitting on her desk.

She let out a frustrated groan when her thoughts turned to the horrible day she'd at school. Monday's had always been the worst, but after traipsing through the feudal era for a week then coming back to have a surprise test...that was just cruel. Who gave pop quizzes on a Monday?! Her evil math teacher, that's who. The day hadn't gotten any easier either. After school she went shopping. Just to pick up some small things like extra bandages and new socks. Everywhere she went was over crowded and sold out of what she wanted. She finally found the rolled gauze she wanted at the sixth drug store she walked into. She found herself wishing she could be back in the feudal era already. Things like this were far less complicated there. That is if you took out the fact that you couldn't just run down to the local drug store to pick up a few things. After one last look around the room, Kagome closed up her back pack before hefting it onto her shoulder and heading down stairs. She was in a rush to get back before Inuyasha came looking for her. Things never went well when he showed up to get her and she hoped she could beat him to it. She knew he was impatient to find more jewel shards, but she's only returned home the previous night and felt she deserved a real bath and a good night's sleep in her own bed. For some reason Inuyasha failed to see the importance in her returning back to her own time once and a while. Why couldn't he be more agreeable like Miroku? The thought of the slightly perverted monk brought a smile to her face. Having him around lately had proved to be a blessing. Something she would not have though possible a month before. He helped her out a lot when it came time to argue with the stubborn hanyou about things. She looked down into the bone eater's well, not having noticed that she had managed to walk to it. With one final sigh, she jumped over the lip and into the inky darkness of its depths.

{} {} {} {} {} {} {}

Miroku sat with his back against the old weather-warn wood of the bone eater's well. His trusty staff sat in the grass next to him as he watched the sky fade into twilight and thought over the day's events. He had noticed something was off with Inuyasha from the very moment they spoke in the early hours of the morning. He had seemed restless and had been even more short tempered then usual. Miroku had assumed it was because Kagome left the night before after a some-what drawn out argument and he had stood up for her. Telling the hanyou that he was being unreasonable and that she was only asking for a mere twenty-four hours to check in with her family, make a much-need appearance at her place of learning, and bring back more supplies that would benefit them all. After his long winded cussing fit, Inuyasha had finally conceded and escorted Kagome to the well. Once she was gone, the two of them had eaten a meager meal then turned in for the night. The morning came with Inuyasha ranting about how Kagome always chose to leave at the worst times and how she only ever thought of herself. Miroku had scoffed at his statement, but held his tongue and did not point out that it was the other way around as far as selfishness was concerned. The rest of the morning had been uneventful, then in the late afternoon Inuyasha announced that he would be leaving for the night, possible a day or two. He had said that there was something he needed to look into, but wouldn't reveal any more information on the topic. Miroku accepted his unusual announcement with a nod of his head and listened patiently while Inuyasha lined out what he wanted him to do in his absence.

“You'll have to meet Kagome later tonight. She might not show up. 'Cause half the time I have to go and drag her back. That's not an option for you so I guess you'll have to wait. Don't leave the well until she's back. Got it?” He all but growled out.

Miroku nodded even though he was perturbed with Inuyasha's obvious lack of confidence in his skills to make sure Kagome returned safely. It was only a short walk from the village for heaven's sake! Miroku found himself tuning Inuyasha out while he continued to spout all the things that Miroku was to make sure happened and didn't happen. His attention was pulled back however when Kagome's name was once again mentioned.

“...Kagome I swear, I'll rip you apart. I mean it. You're not to lay a hand on her for any reason.”

Miroku feigned a look of hurt.

“Inuyasha, I'm hurt by your lack of confidence that I would be anything but a perfect gentleman while in Kagome's presence.”

“Right.” Inuyasha scoffed. “Just keep your mitts off her. Got it?”

Miroku nodded and before he could open his mouth to comment, Inuyasha had turned and began running from the village as if the devil himself was chasing him. Miroku wasn't about to deny to himself that he had felt some attraction towards the young miko he had met a few months before, but it was best that it stayed only known to himself for now. He was still slightly unsure of what her and Inuyasha's relationship was. He could tell that the two cared for one another, but Kagome's feelings took on a slightly deeper feeling then Inuyasha's. Or so it seemed. The next few hours, or days if things worked out in his favor, would be a welcome opportunity to test his boundaries with Kagome. Miroku grinned like a fool at the thought. Yes, he could keep his word to Inuyasha and remain a perfect gentleman, which would likely help him out in his endeavor to woo Kagome. Miroku felt a surge of spiritual pressure from behind him and turned his head towards the well. He smiled when Kagome began talking to herself.

“Yes! I beat him.” She chirped then the realization hit her that she would now have to climb out of the well on her own. “Aww man.”

Miroku waited patiently until the sounds of her struggling to climb the hefty vines moved closer and lost their echo. He stood and brushed his robes off before leaning over the lip of he well smiling.

“You have returned.” He said happily.

“Ack!” Kagome squawked and lost both her hand holds and her footing and began to slip back down towards the bottom of the well.

“Whoops.” Miroku said as he reached out and grasped her arm just in time. “Looks like you could use some assistance.”

“Yeah. Thanks.” Kagome answered with a thankful smile.

Once Miroku had helped Kagome from the well, the two of them sat down on the soft grass where Miroku had been previously waiting so that she could catch her breath.

“I wasn't expecting you to be there. You scared me.” Kagome admitted with a slight laugh.

“My apologies.” Miroku said seriously.

“You don't need to be sorry.” Kagome said with a playful shove to his arm with her own. “Normally Inuyasha's the one that comes to get me. Where is he?”

“He said that he had something to check out and could possibly be gone for a couple of days.” Miroku explained, reading her reaction carefully.

“Oh.” Kagome said sounding slightly depressed. “Well, we should get back to the village. It's starting to get dark.”

Miroku agreed and stood before lending her his hand to help her to her feet.

“...Thanks.” Kagome said hesitantly. 'He's acting a little different.' She thought.

He then reached for his staff and grabbed her overly-stuffed back pack before she could protest. He inclined his head towards the well warn path that led to the village.

“Shall we?” He asked with a grin.

Kagome nodded and the two began walking towards the village side by side.

romantic, niftypaint24, cu, !monday, hentai, whirlwind romance challenge

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