It´s Monday February 7, so it´s Joey day here in my livejournal.
I thought this was going to be the toughest to manage, but as it turned out, it wasn´t. So without any more rambling here are today’s stories.
Justin: “
Celebrity” by Jae
Chris: “
Cuddly” by Lucy
Lance: “
Silence” by Jae
JC: ”
To Love, To Grow, To Hide, To Show” by Juli
AJ: “
Dry” by Lucy the sequel will be presented on AJ´s day.
Brian: “
Aisle Seven” by Zoicite
Nick: “
Fall into place” by Arsenic
Howie: “
Thaw” by Arsenic
Kevin: “
Water” by Lucy
I hope you enjoyed them. Next up is Lance on Thursday.