Samael: Chapter One, Page Six

Feb 14, 2011 10:06

I'm off for a mini-vacation today, sort of, as part of a kind of work trip, so yay! Wish me luck. :D


It was when Jin Craig told the police that the Andrews' had never arrived at her house that Michael knew she had killed them.

He waited for days, not leaving the house, looking up every scrap of news footage he could find on his ‘missing’ parents.  He waited for the police to find John and Marsha’s bodies, waited for them to locate people who had seen them drive up to Jin Craig’s mansion, waited for the justice he was sure would come to a murderer.

But it was just an extension of what he’d felt on the night of his parents’ dinner; anxious waiting.  Days passed, and then weeks, and not a scrap of evidence was found to show that the Andrews hadn’t simply disappeared into thin air.

Michael left his house only to go to the police station so that he could tell them again that a man on the phone had told him his parents were there.  As time passed the officers became less and less polite as they replied it was his word against the word of a respected businesswoman.

Michael began to despair when even Butch said to move on.  They were gone, Butch said, and however it had happened there was nothing to be done but mourn them and return to the world of the living.  Your job at the bookstore won’t wait forever, will it? Butch asked.  You have friends there who want to help you if you’ll let them.

But Michael did not let them.  The concept of friendship was too new to him to be something he trusted.

So he sat in his living room, letting dust collect into visible piles with his eyes glued to news programs on the television, whether or not any mention of his parents were made.  His body grew emaciated from lack of food, his skin pasty without any exposure to the sun and his mind erratic from lack of sleep.  Nothing could compare to the pain in his heart, pain that was slowly and steadily turning to rage as the months passed and nothing happened.

real life, jin craig, samael, butch, chapter one

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