Soon...I am going to die.
And nobody will care and or notice because I will be locked in the dressing room, O.D.~ing on hairspray and stabbing my vital organs with the razors from eyeliner sharpeners. If that doesn't kill me, then Kristina's Saturday job will. Either way, I'm going to die. And you know what? I have a feeling that it's going to be rather pleasant compared to this.
From rehearsal two days ago...
Frohlic, head of the Flying Monkeys played by Teddy
The Wicked Witch played by Caz
I did some really good ones today. (Which was a major confidence booster considering that the first few I attempted were crap). Managed to do the final munchkin makeup, a better flying monkey, and Fritz the mouse. Kendra should be sending me the pictures so I'll post them up here when she does. By the beard of Zeus, this production just keeps getting more and more frustrating. Nobody knows what's going on any more and my poorly organized brain can't take it any longer! Pretty soon I'm just going to explode...if Drake's legs don't first.
Speaking of Drake, we're going to prom together.
Also speaking of Drake, we finally managed to film a successful take of the giant floating head today during 4th and 5th period. I spent almost 3 hours with him, Cameron, and Griffin. Men are twisted creatures I tell you. Every other second I was hearing some new and interesting bit of information about their man parts and or being prodded to strip in time to "bow chicka wow wow chicka wow wow chicka!"
It was definitely worth it though. XD I love my men.
Plenty of other things have happened, including a fiasco with ACen registration and an immense amount of stress but I'm going to go ignore all of that and play Okami.
Hope everybody else is having a less hectic week than I am. ^_^