I think technology purposely conspires against me. I'm still having codec issues with Premiere, and it appears that the scanners all hate me too. See, we got the Halloween pictures back, but can I scan the suckers in? Hell no. I think it's a problem with the drivers, which (in theory) is simple enough to remedy, but I'm not sure where the CDs to restore them are. Bloody hell.
xul_teiquin's dad dropped by the other day with a present for Adrian (a sleeper and an ornament) from the whole family, according to the card. I shall have to send a thank you. ^_^ Sadly, though, I don't get to talk to
xul_teiquin much these days, mostly because of my parents. Why is that? Because C.J. had been in contact with him, and my parents are convinced that pretty much anyone who mutually knows both me and my ex is being manipulated by said ex to spy on me and relay information about me and Adrian. Apparently, this goes double for any of my male friends, because they couldn't possibly be interested in the welfare of me or my son. *sigh* Now, I don't know how much of their paranoia is accurate, but it just doesn't seem fair to me or to my friends. I mean, seriously, is it really my business whom other people talk to? I'm sure it'd be at the very least rude to demand of everyone who would talk to me, "Have you been in contact with my ex and is he trying to get you to pump me for information so he can kidnap my baby?" Nonetheless, my folks think I should do exactly that. I'm not kidding. I've had some friends try to call and my folks asked me while I was speaking to them "Does this person know C.J.? They're just trying to get information from you!" *shakes head* It feels like I can hardly talk to anyone at all, except for
dmoira, and it makes me feel bad because I'm losing touch with people I care about. I don't like it one bit.
Adrian is still doing well. He's been awfully clingy lately, though. Dunno why. He's eating more in a sitting nowadays--definitely a growing boy--and is getting a little better with the whole "You can't make me burp!" thing. He's starting to coo a bit. So far, he says "ah," "na," "goo," and "gee" (hard "g" sound there, the same as in "goo"), when he's not squeaking and grunting anyway. It's still mostly squeaks and grunts rather than coos, but he's working on it. He continues to be adorable and then some. Here's some pic links to see, courtesy of
dmoira again:
Mommy's Little Adventurer!Bring on the goblins! He's wearing a onesie that
min_chan made for him, and I had to put his little Link hat on him, partly in homage to his middle name Graham, because King Graham of the King's Quest game series is almost never seen without his green adventurer's cap! Also, Graham happens to be the name of the DM of the Deadale Wives' D&D study group ("Hey, Graham, I'm not in the room, right?"). XD Yes, I am a nerd, dagnabbit.
Aww, so cute... Just lying in his Pack&Play bassinet. You can see his jingle cube that I made over in the corner.