Hello LJ friends. c:
I decided to wish you all a Happy New Year, even though I am horribly unactive here.
I still remember I used to be too active. ^^;
By now LiveJournal had gone some unpleasant changes for me anyway... Comment system and stuff.
Ah, and since I also had let know when I was Master...
I managed to get Hero in FlyFF!
This is a huge achievement for me, really. In fact, I realized it was my only achievement... I seriously have no idea what to do in the game now. xD
I can go on, of course.. but this slow levelling is a pain. Ah well.
Here's a screenshot.
Of course I dragged RabidFish with me again as well. c:
With that I end my post.
Once more, happy new year everyone!
May 2012 be a lot better than the previous years...