
Apr 26, 2012 23:43

Ever find yourself looking back fondly on a memory, wishing you were back where you were then, doing what you were doing?

What were you reminiscing? Was it the activity or the people? The environment or the mood? Or just a little bit of everything?

Perhaps. But I think we tie our memories to the emotion we're feeling at that time. Good, bad, happy, sad. When we remember, we feel. When we feel, we remember.

I think whenever I feel like I need sometime to relax but I don't have it, I'll remember 20 year old me in the passenger seat of a blue mustang with the top down cruising down I-5 north cause we wanted to, we could, and we did. Sure the my hair was blowing against the wind and I looked more like Katy Perry (pre-makeover) in TGIF rather than Katy Perry in Teenage Dream but I felt free. And ridiculous (but that's another story). For the most part though, free.

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