Sep 05, 2013 04:26
Just a heads up post. On closer examination, the Kickstarter idea isn't going to fly, too public for my situation at the moment, real names and all that and I can't risk it. BUT, I'm seriously considering running something along the same lines here, with 'rewards' (Kickstarter term) for pledges from as little as £10 up to £200 or so etc and there will be one, very special reward which I haven't decided on yet, but it'll be a doozy. I've spent the evening working out how much I'd need to raise for the equipment I need like the kiln, wax tools, silver clay (the expensive bit!!) and pretty beads and cabs etc to make the rewards and it comes out at about £650, which is not impossible and equates to a bit more than my best starving kitties year.
Just an fyi, ***THIS WILL BE REPLACING THE STARVING KITTIES POST FOR THIS YEAR*** because it's really, really important to me and it's quite urgent, so although it'll still be a little early when this is launched, early October, you may want to consider pressies. This doesn't mean I'll be abandoning the style I've developed to date, by the way, or abandoning sterling silver for fine silver, I'm just adding a new and very significant string to my bow, one which will allow me to take a huge step to starting my business regardless of whether I get well in the next couple of years or not. Life changing stuff!
So, in theory, this is how it's going to work.
I'll do my course at the end of this month so I have something to show you. Then I will sort out detailed costings and design some more pieces. With Kickstarter, you get to see what the rewards will be but since I am only doing this because I can't fund it any other way, I will have to find a way around that. You all know my work though and there will be at least one finished item to see, very likely more, so I hope you'd trust my descriptions and I can post pics of the wax originals and the beads I intend to use. At the moment, I'm planning fox, hare, stag, raven, crow and tree pieces among others as well as cave art pieces and prehistoric art pieces, some with gold leaf or precious metal clay gilding. There will be pendants, earrings and bracelets, beaded and cabochon set.
I will then set up an LJ account just for this project and make a post so anyone considering making a pledge will be able to see where the money is going with a detailed description of the reward for each pledge amount as well as a daily running total. Pledges would of course be anonymous. This is PURELY to get the equipment and materials I need, so transparency is really important, as well as the fact I don't want this to be seen as begging for cash. This will be a proper project with tangible results and rewards for those involved.
With Kickstarter there's a limited timescale, which seems to be 30 days in most cases and I'm going to go with that, probably from early October to early November to give me a chance to get all the pieces made in time to ship for Christmas (assuming I work my little behind off) if I make my total by the deadline I've set myself of 30 days. Pledges only become due at the end of that time and only if the full total is met, so it's really an all or nothing thing, because you can't half do a project and this is certainly the case here. If I make my target, I will contact everyone who pledged money, I buy my equipment and materials and it goes from there. It's a big ask, I won't have the exposure that Kickstarter has, so I'll be relying on people to publicise this through LJ, Facebook etc. I can't advertise it on my own Facebook page for the same reasons I can't go through Kickstarter itself, but 13 pledges of £50 would do it, less if some folks want the really special pieces, so I have hope.
I need to spend more time planning this, but it's the only thing I can think of to get this off the ground. I have no spare money to save up, but I refuse to be beaten that easily and besides, it'll be a lot more fun to share this with people and have them get something out of it. So, keep an eye out for a post at the beginning of October and please, please consider getting on board, either to get a pressie for someone for Christmas or something for yourself.
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions in the meantime I'd like to hear them, either here, by email or PM. This is the only chance I have with my current situation to move my dreams and the work I'm passionate about on a stage and I'm both nervous and excited about it and will be needing all the support I can get!