i am home, good flight not a 1994 mel gibson movie in sight, unpacked and chilling with blake now, got home and sister cath has done up bathrooms in house and got new furniture and moved rooms around,she is living there now too, its not for sale anymore, we are going to develop it and make it nice and maybe sell it at some point, new york was cool, but quite a headache, i had to do all the guiding as ruth had no clue about subway maps(learnt thet from london subway i think, thanks ali) and how to read street maps,so i was doing it all every day where ever we went. i dream about grids and sreet numbers now. its nice to be back, need to chill a bit before w.o.r.k starts. ahhhhhh.
work is poo
but i had a good summer and really appreciate having friends in the usa if i didnt i would have spent thousands on accomodation, the kids were great 76% of the time , it was sad saying goodbye, phil is like a surragate mother, making us call every day in new york, its nice she worrries and is there for us. weird not seeing dad meet us at station, well im tired and blake running out of songs to play on guitar (as if)
they got ace review in news and star ..
"Stars of track and field definatly deserve a mention for their performance on the night. The band, from Carlisle, may only have been together for five months, but it appears they have found their niche. Their songs-a collective effort by the band-are varied and catchy, esspecially their intro tune "Temporary Thing", which has great single potential. Singer Jenny displays hints of everything from PJ Harvey to Gwen Stefani, but she manages to retain her own sense of style too-one that basically blew Little Man Tate off stage."
http://www.myspace.com/starsoftrackfield will be back when have more energy to put pics up and tell stories (like when a woman thought ruth was a hooker)
hope y'all reading are good today and tomorow
talk soon