words! (well, animal sounds...)

Mar 09, 2007 23:54

This evening as Robin was reading Nadia Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? (long one of her favorite books), she began to say something that was clearly intended to be 'tick tock' on the page where Mr. Brown "can sound like clock. He can tick. He can tock." She would say it on that page reliably, and when we pointed at the clock and said "tick tock" and not other times. Then, pleased as punch about the reaction she got, she also started buzzing on the page about buzzing like a bee, at least once getting to it before Robin actually made the noise himself.

The funny thing is she's never been that into "t" "k" or "z" as sounds to babble. She's been highly partial to "d" "b" "f" and "m."

Anyhow, she knew she was on to something, and was so excited that she kept zooming back and forth around the edge of the large plastic storage tub that she was standing holding on to and on which the book was. She could barely contain herself. Later she also hissed like a snake when we were looking at a different animal book.

Will she remember and do these things as more than an echoing of us? Do they really have meaning yet? Who knows. But she's definitely made a leap. And she was so hyper about it that we just got her to sleep 20 minutes ago.

In other news, today she also showed that she could, in theory, climb stairs by climbing up a couple things that were stacked next to each other to effectively create stairs. She also added a twist to the peekaboo game where she pulls her Taggie blanket off of one of our heads--once she missed the blanket and yanked on Robin's beard by accident. The next time, when he adjusted the blanket to come down well below his chin and not leave any whiskers exposed, she very purposefully reached under the blanket and yanked on his beard!


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