Four months update

Sep 22, 2006 15:29

Nadia hit four months on Tuesday! (Latest pictures, as always.) Wow. She gets more human every day. Miscellaneous roundup

She's a confirmed thumbsucker (so far no preference as to which hand), frequently taking palate-cleansing thumb breaks in her meals, or resting her thumb in sucking position on top of a pacifier (we decided to call them suckers actually) in her mouth. She's been working intently on the use of her hands and on her sitting skills. She does a lot of quiet absorbing of the world, and now prefers to be carried or slung facing out, or in the ring sling where she can also see around pretty well. She also still does quite a bit of babbling and chortling.

The teeth haven't actually broken through aside from that one spot on the side of her gum, but they continue to bother her periodically, and homeopathic teething tabs continue to be a godsend. She no longer categorically dislikes evenings, but she is still having a couple bouts of really painful gas each week, always in the evening. I've cut out turnips (who knew? but it matched when she was upset), and are becoming skilled at a range of different gas relief positions. Sometimes they help.

But when she's not dealing with those to things she's quite a cheerful kid.

And very helpful.

She's also officially a butter ball, according to the silly charts. 75th percentile in weight and head circumference. 20th in length. No final conclusions by any means, but so far she is trying to prove us wrong in having guessed based on family history that height and curly hair were going to be genetically dominant.

She survived her first vaccination, though she did end up miserable for an hour or so later in the day with a hot, swollen thigh (the injection site) until I thought of arnica gel. Unpleasant.

She went to visit her Great-great Aunt Lillian with me, her dad,
Thatpoetrykid and his son Sterling last Saturday. Lil is a wonderful person, in her mid-90s, and her health has been declining--she's stopped eating much, so we wanted to get Nadia down to meet her as soon as we could. Of course heretofore Nadia has only taken car trips of maximum 1 hour. This one is about 4 1/2 each way. We made it down in about 5 1/2, with two breaks for stretching of limbs and feeding of  baby. On the way back she got into a gassy (and probably also overtired and overstimulated) fit. It was really hard to take, and Robin ended up sniping at Brett and feeling awful about it before we eventually took a half hour in the parking lot of an Olive Garden on Route 17 to get the burp up. I felt awful, for her, and for the exhausted, already up way early and going home way late Brett and Sterling.

But it was a good visit, though Lil is easily exhausted, especially by trying to talk. Nadia chomped on Lil's fingers, and we all learned some family history from my great uncle Harold and cousin Barry who were also visiting.

She also had her first time "on stage" (kind of), asleep in the sling at the Tugboat Roundup in the midst of a horde of folkies performing sea songs. She likes her lullabies loud. Good thing too.

nadia, family

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