May 06, 2005 16:22
I played football yesterday and my legs still hurt. (The British sort of football - the one Americans call soccer.) Me and sports = not a good match. Had fun, though, even though I pretended to be absolutely fit when I was so worn out that I wanted to drop on the ground and die.
Today I had my first two exams. The geology exam went so badly that I almost started crying. I'm pretty sure I'll pass, though. Which means NO MORE GEOLOGY FOR ME!!! WOO! If I do fail, I'm going to kick a wall.
The psychology exam was easy. After having had so much trouble with another exam only four hours earlier I really appreciated the secure feeling of knowing exactly what I was doing.
I wore a skirt to school today for no real reason except that most of my trousers are dirty. After the exams I went to the Mall with Heiðar and I heard a little kid say to his mother: "Look! A boy in a skirt!"
It doesn't bother me to be mistaken for a boy but being mistaken for a boy in a skirt is a little bit too stupid. Basically that makes me a double crossdresser. That's kind of cool, I must admit.