(no subject)

Mar 25, 2005 12:48

1. Leave a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I'll reply and give you five questions to answer.
3. You'll update your LJ with the five questions answered.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

Halla the White interviewed me:

1. What is your favourite Monty Python sketch?

Only one? Hmmm... my favourite scene is "Find the Fish" in The Meaning of Life. My favourite Flying Circus sketch is probably the court scene with Cardinal Richelieu, the coffin and Inspector Dim. "If I were not in the CID, something else I'd like to be..."

2. You have an MP3 player that has room for exactly five whole records, and you're going on a three-month trip through Siberia with no computer access. Which records do you pick, and why?

That's a tough one. I'd definitely take Sgt. Pepper's and Revolver by the Beatles because those are my favourite albums in the world. Then I'd take Absolution and Showbiz by Muse because, although I adore the Beatles, I couldn't survive three months without Muse. The fifth one would be Ether Song by Turin Brakes because it's the kind of album that keeps your soul alive in the worst circumstances.

3. Are you like me in that you really, really wish you'd been born male, or do you just not like skirts very much?

Sometimes I wish I was a boy, for example when I'm suffering from menstruational cramps or when "normal" girls are getting on my nerves. Sometimes I'm grateful to be a girl, though, like that one time I was hit in the crotch by a chair. Most of the time I don't really care. But it's true that I'm not too fond of skirts.

4. Do you take your vitamins, young lady?

Um, occasionally. I eat pretty healthy though. More or less.

5. What's your favourite candy/snack?

Easter eggs are awesome but maybe the reason why they are so great is because you only get them once a year. I love jellybears all year round. Hmmm, now I want candy...

monty python, meme, muse, turin brakes, music, beatles, halla the infrared, easter

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