sarahblack tagged me for this meme.
1) Post a list of five things you currently love/like and five things you currently hate/dislike.
2) They can be people, places, things, ideas, whatever.
3) Tag 5 people to do this.
I think I'll copy Sarah and start with my dislikes:
1. (Do I really have to spell it out?) The current economic crisis with all its side effects, namely that I definitely won't go larping in Wales this month, that I probably won't get to see Mika in a while, and that I possibly won't spend Christmas with my folks.
2. People who pick immature fights on the internet.
3. Noisy, drunk people.
4. The smell of smoking.
5. Teenagers who think they know what life is all about, but are really just caught up in attempts to be popular.
And now for the luuuuuv:
1. Mika. I was going to explain more about how wonderful it is to be his girlfriend, but decided not to offend the sensibilities of cynics and bitter singles too much. (After all, I used to be one of them.)
2. All my other friends. They make me laugh, give me a hug when I need it, and are full of good advice. Love ya, guys!
3. Good music like the Beatles.
4. Good books.
5. The powers of the internet to keep in touch with friends in distant countries.
In other news, I've uploaded pictures from Turku for your viewing pleasure.
Here there be dragonpants.