Gosh, how are all of you? I've been running here and there and everywhere. You'd think now that we are done filming, things would lighten up a bit. It's been kind of the opposite though. Adamo, Lauren, and I did a photo shoot for Eye Magazine. You can read the article
here and there's a picture
here. Etalk Daily covered the photoshoot, and they did an interview with all of us. Lauren and I talked about the OC of course, fashion, and having slight crushes on Adam Brody. Adamo was all about Sex in the City. I can't find the link though, it's on the CTV website somewhere, I think.
Tuesday was the big day, I'm really happy with how the episode turned out. There's still half of the episode to go, but so far, so good. It was weird watching parts of it, because some of the scenes were really hard to film. Everyone is telling me how creepy they think Mike is now. I don't know about you, but when I see
this face I don't start to fear for my life. He is one of the nicest guys I know, so I think that everyone finding him to be so believably creepy just helps to establish him as an actor. Speaking of, when do he and Aubrey get journals? We have been waiting forever!
Just wanted to remind everyone if you want to see the Lifetime movie I did a while back, it's on tomorrow night at seven. There's a little bit of teenplaya*, some syphilis, and fourteen year-old sexperts. Good times should be had by all. Where is Cassie? I don't want her to hit seven weeks again. I'm going downtown to get some Christmas presents, I hope you all have a good Friday night. If you live in the states, watch tonight's Degrassi. I promise it's a good one.