I love you, Michael Chabon.
I could adduce Kafka's formula: "A book must be an ice-axe to break the seas frozen inside our soul." I could go down to the cafe at the local mega-bookstore and take some wise words of Abelard or Koestler about the power of literature off a mug. But in the end -- here's my point -- it would still all boil down to entertainment, and its suave henchman, pleasure. Because when the axe bites the ice, you feel an answering throb of delight all the way from your hands to your shoulders, and the blade tolls like a bell for miles.
from "Let Me Entertain You," published in the LA Times
http://www.latimes.com/features/books/la-bk-chabon27apr27,0,6794006.story and excerpted from Chabon's new book of essays Maps and Legends (which I can't wait to own/read).
Thanks, Kathryn, for the link!