Feb 21, 2009 22:35
I'm now tackling my subculture/social essay. The question I picked is this:
“Within the repertoire of subcultural representations […] girls and women have always been located nearer to the point of consumerism than to the ‘ritual of resistance’.” (McRobbie & Garber). Discuss in relation to one or more subcultures.
I didn't actually really like the phrasing of this question, and I'm still not sure about it, but as next year I want to do my dissertation on women in music/the industry etc etc I thought it'd be good to do something relelvent now. Plus Simon, my lecturer agreed that this makes sense, and he gave me a lot of things to look at for it, I'm just struggling to find an opening sentence/paragraph. Once I've gotten that down I'll be fine, but see my one problem with doing this topic is it's something I get very...lets say passionate...about and I have to make sure I'm not just ranting my own beliefs and experiences on it, and actually include research, and subcultural theory and Oh! Just came up with my opening sentence whist writing this! Hopefully I'm good to go!
So yeah. Less ranting. More research and proof.
Today some mormons stopped me. They asked if I had a second, and I said "Sorry I'm in a rush to work" then I saw their badges saying they were mormons and I glared a little and said "and I'm definitely not interested" in a brusque fashion, and walked off. Mormons are a branch of christianity that I'm particularly unfond of, but I was pleased with myself for leaving it at that.
Any and Fran are kind of drunk now. It's hiarious and I got free pizza out of it. Anyway, now I'm going to open my essay talking about how, according to Tamar Garb in "Bodies of Modernity" shopping and consumerism was a ritual of resistance for women in the 18th century and so even if the quote in discussion is true and girls and women do veer towards a consumerist approach to music this does not necessarily mean they're not joining in with a ritual of resistance.
Woop. Yes, you all needed to know this about my life. Mainly I'm just proud of myself for cheering up and getting on with things.