HnA 03.4.10

Mar 04, 2010 21:51

This week's episode is so funny xDD

VIP room: Nakagawa Shoko

Her impression of Arashi:

S: the one best suited in drag (S: I'm not happy at all! I'M NOT HAPPY AT ALL!')
N: As if he had just woke up
J: 'When I was in middle school, I was told that I looked like Matsujun'
A: Scatterbrain
O: As a deep sea creature, he's  a yumenamako (dream sea slug)

S: Shokotan, how old are you?
NS: I'm 24 years old.S: Oh, so you're quite younger than us.
Nakajima: The 'dream sea slug' is quite depressing...
J: What do you mean?S: Because it's the first time I heard 'deep sea creature'
NS:  During our meeting, I'm quite lost, so I thought of likening him to a deep sea creature
O: Somehow, that is akin to a jellyfish, right?
NS: It flutters, and swims as if it's flying, somehow,
S: Then, it's a nice impression.
S: So you were told you look like Matsujun.
NS: When I entered middle school, I was told that immediately *insert pic*

S: So, I am the one best suited in drag?
NS: That's right, your eyes are so big that I always envy you.
S: So this is a flattery?
NS: Yes...
N: Because she said you are the best.
Nakagawa Shoko VIP Secret Database

1. During my first time as a celebrity, I dived as far as 5,300 meters deep the sea

2. I have 7 cats!

3. I love seeing cries of pain

S: Is this your usual mood? Perhaps. Do you mean that you like seeing cries of pain from a man?
NS: It's like a pain of  a brawny man who bumped into the edge of a cabinet. Let's say, there's a gap, since you can rarely see them got hurt, and somehow, I get fascinated ♥.

Nakajima: With that said, we prepared this thing:
S: Ah, so today it's not wigs and stuffs?
Nakajima: That's right. There are numbers of buttons here, and there are different sounds of pain that will be played here. We would like Arashi to act with that sound and get hurt for Shokotan.

Sound of Pain # 1: Gunshot
(N: We'll die, we'll die!)
Sound of Pain # 2: Machine gun
Sound of Pain # 3: Cutting sound (like with a sword/blade)
Sound of Pain # 4: Punching sound
Sound of Pain # 5: Kicking sound
Sound of Pain # 6: Game Over~ (Mario)

xDDD *ouch my stomach hurt from laughing* xDD


Doubt Action

1. Super Sour dried plum

Himura: Arashi's skillful.
?: But Nino became teary, didn't he? Leader is completely no reaction.
Tokui: Leader doesn't have any reaction in whatever he does anyway.
Himura: When it was over, Jun-kun immediately drank his water. He's the one who drank most among them.
Nino: Then who is it?
Himura: At this moment, I have no idea at all.
Qtaro: I don't think it's Sho-san. Sho-san didn't look like someone who had eaten something sour. As expected, he's cool like always.

Their guess: Nino
Doubt actor: Nino

2. Hellish stench

Their guess: Aiba
Doubt actor:  Leader

3. Hellish tickle

You can see Aiba panting beside Jun, that Jun told him to shut up xD

Their guess: Aiba
Doubt actor:  Aiba xDD

Actually, Jun thought of acting the part of being tickled to confuse the comedian team, but Aiba overdid his reaction (bec. he's too ticklish |D) that his plan failed xD

wah~ too bad Arashi lose this segment.

I so wanna tickle Aibaka xDD


VIP room next week: Kitagawa Keiko 

tv show: himitsu no arashi-chan

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