Okay so weird things abound today
First, in Art my teacher informs me that he wants to put my latest picture in the fullcoll student art gallery. Which is very cool. I love this picture. It's of Frodo. (i showed my mom today and she's all "ooh, he's creepy looking" hehe)
2ndly, my jackass history teacher is making an ACTIVE effort to remember my name. It's weird. But a good thing, because he commented at the beginning of the semester that if he remembers your name and face come grading time he's more likely to round UP your grade. Groovy.
Onto the real point of this post
I need to make a collage for art class and I want
your input.
I don't care if it's a picture of you or your favorite TimeLife picture or your favorite band, WHATEVER! I eventually will be making them all into a collage and drawing them, then I'll take a picture of the collage and post it up...if it's not too fucked up that is. ;]
So if you could send pictures to GothShorty@yahoo.com or comment with a link before tuesday that'd be GREAT.
Thank You!
And because I'm bored:
What do you really think of me?