Sadbastardness has abated! Hooray!
Watched 'Secretary' which is a good movie. I recommend it if you don't squick too easily. it's got S&M overtones but it's also an absolutely adorable love story :)
Also! I found a Domlijah video set to Savage Garden music and am so beyond pleased right now. So pleased that I must make up a new word for how pleased I am. I think the new word shall be...squigy. [pronounced sk-widge-ee] "I am absolutely squigy." Yes, I think that will do nicely.
Ah neo-nazis, you stupid fuckheads, when will you ever learn?
Also, am addicted to playing
this game. Puzzle pirates.
sidateted, I suggest you check it out...
Have named my pirate "Dazza" The others in my crew have taken to calling me "Daz" ::grins::
They just marooned me.
THOSE BASTARDS. Didn't even give me a pistol with a single shot!
Hmph...oh well. This is what I get for not sticking with my actual crew.
*stands in water to let all manner of sea life become accustomed to her presence*
Someone help, what was the name of Darren and Daniel's first band? Red...something? dangit this is gonna bug me.