Jan 10, 2018 17:37
As the world descends further and further into tyranny and madness, I continue asking myself what I can and should do to end this insanity. Germany and with it the European Union are coming after the internet: Germany just passed a law known as NetzDG, by which the state can fine social media into silencing whatever speech the state deems illegal... censorship has already spun out of control there in a matter of days, with websites now censoring users for parody out of fear of being punished. The EU wishes to do the same thing, and yesterday had a meeting with social media representatives demanding faster and more efficient censorship.
I do not wish to alarm anyone. But I'm reaching the point where thoughts are going through my head... that people should normally not have to consider. Even if I somehow had the tools, I doubt I would ever harm anyone else, be it a politician I don't like... nor would I wish to be presented as a monster to the world, which would also paint a bad image on the fandoms I was part of. Yet how do I fight such powerful enemies, who want to come after us and oppress us with their social control and personal ideologies, now even on the internet? I won't go down without some kind of fight, nor will I let them ruin my life any further: I've had it of meddling and control... I've had it of this species of evil monsters that call themselves humans... I've had it of what they've done to me for over two decades, that only I fucking know and will ever know for this entire lifetime! Me and those monsters can no longer exist on the same planet at the same time... given the choice I'd rather I go, but I'm afraid of what happens after as well as what my suicide would do to my mother who hasn't done anything wrong.
If anyone is interested, I have written the message below to the European Union... by which I mean two official forms used to contact EU representatives. It's the most serious and sad thing I had to write so far, and I'm hoping it will be the last. If they don't leave our internet and my life here alone with their moral dictatorship, I'm considering what I may have to write further. We'll need all the help we can get to throw those savages and their thought police off the free and open web, and make sure they never show their disgusting faces around here again with their laws and life control! Please just let it all end... I'm tired of this.
I'm writing to you in the wake of the 09 January 2018 meeting, on the subject of removing illegal content from social media. I ask that you share my message with your colleagues in the European Council. I am an EU citizen, and seek to express my greatest grievance with the Union at this moment.
I ask the European Union in all of its capacities, to immediately leave our open internet alone and stop interfering in the way it's ran! You are in no position to impose your views on what qualifies as "illegal content" or "hate speech" onto the worldwide web, by bullying websites into silencing us users. This behavior is despicable, it disqualifies the EU as a democracy, and I'm appalled that EU representatives were capable of even proposing this.
The internet is a world we have created, free of your meddling and interference and means of social repression. The government is not welcome here: We do not want you to infect it with your censorship, we do not want your thought police deciding what we say. You are crossing the line into a new level of tyranny... one that we will never accept to live under.
I don't care whether your aim is stopping terrorists and neo-Nazis, which I'm against as much as everyone else. The problem is the principle, not who it's used against: The moment any speech is silenced, the system is there to silence any other speech. There is no guarantee you'll stop anywhere once you've started: You will eventually turn the internet into a church ran strictly by your ideology.
I do not wish to consider the European Union my enemy. If you touch our open internet however, I will do my best to support the fall of this union. We will not let you take the free internet away from us, and will fight against you however we can if you try to meddle into it! If you want to touch the internet, you must shoot us down first!
Please stop this right now: Leave the internet alone, do not interfere. You don't understand how it works, this is not your place. STOP NOW!