And another video, of [THE] OPHELIA LANDSCAPE Abridged version (47 min) of the performance with the same title produced by Poiesis Theatre Project and performed at the Mark Morris Dance Center. Directed by Naum Panovski and performed by Vanessa Bartlett, Mathilde Dratwa, Andressa Furletti, Megumi Haggerty, Carrie Heitman, Sylvia Milo, Klemen Novak, Julia Peterson, Krystine Summers, and Tony Naumovski, and with special guest artists appearing in cyberspace from Los Angeles: Mira Furlan [appears in LOST and Babylon]; from Bratislava: Ina Marojevic; from Paris: William Nadylam [Peter Brook’s Hamlet]; from Nashville: Catherine Luton Apthorp; and from the streets of New York: Jeremy Goren.
Mira at 20:25 min.