la-la-la-la-la-la-life is wonderful....

Jun 26, 2010 09:47

Hello! It's been a while, mostly because of time constraints and sucky computer, not because I stopped loving you! Not much has happened, just working on some stuff...personal stuff. Working on me. I relate to books a lot, so I read Julie&Julia (excellent) and then the "sequel," if you will, Cleaving (less than excellent). Now I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love...which is great. If you're at all neurotic, I think you would really gain a lot from EPL (yeah, I'm too lazy to type it out again, although I didn't have to type this little note and now I've typed way more than it would've taken to type out EAT PRAY LOVE, hahahaha, see what I mean about neurotic?!) Anyway...I'm still not on board with the traditional "praying" thing, but neither is Elizabeth Gilbert in EPL. This was not supposed to turn into a book review...

In other news, I went to the doctor (for a girly bits inspection) and discovered I'm puttin on some weight! Oh nooooo!! And of course, the doctors office fucked up my situation AGAIN and mailed me possibly someone else's results. If I hadn't had an abnormal pap smear last year, I MIGHT not have flipped out like I did on the poor receptionist, but lemme tell ya what, DON'T FUCK WITH MY HEALTH! I don't have much of it to begin with! I must say, since I stopped seeing all the "specialists" that I "needed," I've been much better off. Less doctors, started eating better, taking a vitamin, and doing yoga and I've been ok. I need to start yoga again, and I intend to! I don't get the fitness channels (Yeah, I'm too chicken shit to take a class, and too cheap) but I bought Rodney Yee's beginner DVD to make sure I'm doing everything correctly. So here's hoping that I keep up with it. I felt good when I did it, and maybe I can work my way up to a class.

As for the wedding nonsense, it's just that....but I realized I've been kind of a shithead about the whole thing. Frank is EXCITED about this, and I don't want to ruin it for him. So I'm trying. He suggested maybe we scale it back to just immediate family and close friends, but I don't see how we can exclude 200 people on our list, lol.

I'm also excited about trying to become more self-sufficient. I feel this will be easier once we have a house and can plant a garden and raise animals (I REALLY want to keep bees!) and do whatever we want. So I bought 2 books on the subject and it's taking most of my restraint not to read them both cover to cover. I'm trying to do things one at a time. Not playing on my phone and reading or watching tv at the same time. Not reading seventeen books and magazines at once. SLOW DOWN and FOCUS on things that I'm doing. Life is short, but don't rush it.

Like I said, working on me. I wish more people realized they are eternal works in progress. I never get how people can stop developing themselves. Grow a little, change a little, try something new. Why not?
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