Aug 09, 2010 23:39
Oops. I'm really bad about updating, aren't I?
Uhm. Semester ended okay. Did pretty well in all my classes, and even passed P Chem! (With a whopping D, but you know what? I FUCKING PASSED P CHEM, which is more than some people can say.)
Summer's been going well. Visited Washington with Aaron, which was fun. Washington is beautiful - but too cold.
As of right now, I've been living in Blacksburg for the summer. Pissing a lot of friends off back home, and family, buuuut I'm happier down here and thats what counts. Aaron and I moved in together and so far it's been wonderful ^^ He's a little messy, and it's lonely while he's at work, but other than that it's all good :D
I am happy right now. Haven't been this happy in a long time.
I will try to do better about updating, perhaps...