
Feb 15, 2009 03:12

So, I woke up with a slight hangover and to listening to people have sex. Admitted, they were being quiet and so I'm not very annoyed with them, but I think it's fair to say it's an irritating situation and did not lead to a good start of Valentine's Day. After finally managing to drag myself out of bed, Matt asks me to lunch. I, of course, get my hopes up (thankfully not as much as I may have once had - I didn't even cry today! I guess I'm learning). In the process of getting ready to go meet him, I developed a sore throat. That quickly progressed from an ache to OMGKNIFEDEATHOW. Yeah, it sucked. And then lunch with him was fun - sans sore throat - and he was really sweet. For instance, he said he wasn't really hungry but he just wanted to spend some time with me. How do you stay mad and distant from someone like that? >.<

Anyway, the rest of the day was kind of blah. My throat got worse and I didn't really do much.

Oh, and Audrey and Cat showed me Repo man: The Genetic Opera last night, and now I'm vaguely obsessed with about half the soundtrack. Some pretty awesome music there, and one of the first reasons to respect Paris Hilton (she does a great job in that movie). Only disappointment was the song with Shilo and her dad fighting about allowing Mag to stay wasn't on the song - which I find odd, because it was one of the better ones and a decent length. Ah well.

Anyhoo. A big THANK YOU to Kristen, Phillip, and Ben (even though only Kristen reads for making my Valentine's Day not a completely disaster. It could very well have been plain boring without you.

Despite their help, I felt a bit lonely for a decent bit of it. I feel like I'm losing two of my best friends, and all we're doing is pretending that things are fine. I'm not sure how to stop it. v.v

PS: I got a 53% on my first Organic exam, but the class average was a 64%, so I don't really feel horrible about this Still, kinda sucky start of the semester's grades.
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