Sep 24, 2011 16:52
Hungry, hungry, hungry ...
i am a hungry hippo. An hour til dinnertime, will i survive???
Had another good day in the garden today. i finally finished pulling out those mother of million horrid weeds. Then i started weeding another area but mostly the weeding in the project area is done. i have some trees to pull out and clip back, which i am hoping to do tomorrow. Then i have to mulch the gardens there, but i have to wait for Mum to order the mulch. Hopefully next weekend it will be here. Mum wants to move some of the hippies and turn one garden into a hippie garden, but they are due to flower so it wont be today or tomorrow. Then she said we can go to Indigiscapes and get some cheap native plants to put in that area.
i also have to spray the bindii again, a lot of them are refusing to curl up and die.
i'm finally getting some colour back in my skin after a month indoors at Cooktown lol. i went so white i got worried, but thankfully my natural tan is coming back.
i've decided the next project area will be around the pool. It should be ready to swim in again in the next few days, if its not too cold, so cleaning up that area will be good. It wont take too many days.