Mar 20, 2005 16:49
Spring Break -- Thank god! Midterms = iffy. Thursday's rehearsal was nice actually lol. Ashley was there for a little bit but then she had to go to work, and then Jorge came :/ needless to say, we got out like an hour late. The guard party was fun..who makes up a party just for eating? lol..apparently we do. Had to change the theme to St. Patricks but c'mon now, who sets the theme of a party to a Luoa on St. Patricks Day. Anyways, Friday morning i went to the beach with Shanna, Matt, Lizzie, Larissa and Kelly. It was fun. In the afternoon i went to work out with Heather, her mom and my mom. Yesterday i spent the day with Lyons Creek Guard at the winter gaurd competition. We didn't perform. Today i took my sister to the airport. And that's about all folks. I'm bored, so -- Tass, Jen..if u wanna hang out, call me!