Title: The Art of Breaking and Healing (Chapter 6 Part II: Not So Early Winter)
Fandom: Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
Pairing: established Olivia/Melinda
Author: Mirandyscrow
Rating: Pg-13 to R
Summary: Life with our favorite detective and Medical Examiner is full of obstacles as they juggle crime, family, and love. Olivia/Melinda. Melivia. Yes, femslash!! Don’t like it? Don’t read it, por favor.
Spoilers: Fault
Archive: Sure if you really want it. Lol, it would be a surprise to me, just ask my permission first. (It’s nice when people ask)
Disclaimer: Law and Order: SVU belongs to Dick Wolf, NBC and anyone else that would possibly have any claim to the show or its franchise. Any and all other brand names, songs, schools, etc. belong to their respective owners. I’m only writing this story for entertainment purposes. Please don’t sue; I only own a considerable amount of debt in student loans to offer you. :P
Author’s Note: See first chapter for full Author’s Notes.
Big thanks to Kerri for being an awesome beta and deciding to be the second person to take on my ignorance. Any and all careless mistakes I claim as my own.
Special thanks to LegaspiWeaver for all her help!
Read Chapter 6 Part II x-posted at my journal, melinda_olivia, and passion_perfect.